PROCESSOR-SDK-AM335X: sfdisk not part of build package



Hi , Liu, ,

I have seen a observation that when we were in process of migration of our application.

we observed that "sfdisk" was not included as a part of pacakge.. later when we included "linux-utils" to our image we are able to get sfdisk commad or utility? mau i know whu this improvement ?

also may i know what are the utilities are there like sfdisk as mentioned above?

It helps a lot for further debuging on this migration actvities

  • Hi Manu,

    I am missing some background here. Do you refer to some Yocto recipe? Any file system definition or recipes are most likely not a TI definition or decision. We work with the community on this and many packages in Linux that may contain multiple programs are not maintained by TI. So I am not sure we can answer such questions in any detail. For "utilities like sfdisk" could you please be more specific what you are looking for? Linux apps space is really huge. I assume there are a lot better forums and email lists for Linux tools than the TI one :-). That is the beauty of Linux, you have such a wide selection of SW that you can use on many (embedded) platforms. Even if the HW vendor doesn't know anything about them.

    Regards, Frank