Hi TI Team,
We created a wrapper code for ipc send and rcv in A72 and C7x.
While testing the wrapper between A72 and C7x cores, we observe a scenario where we are sharing image data from A72 to C7x and in C7x we do some processing and sending back just an acknowledgement (flag - true/false)
we are testing for 50 frames
we observe that out of 50 frames, randomly ~for 10frames we are seeing huge spike in profiling figures when we call ipc send from c7x to ipc rcv in a72 (around 1.3ms) in general it takes ~45us
we are not sure what might be the problem
task which does processing and send ack via our wrapper api in C7x is set to priority 31
in A72, linux application is set to scheduler policy as FIFO with priority 99
any pointers will be helpful