Hi Teams
In past, I modify driver and rebuild default LINUX image as below step
1. MACHINE=am62xx-evm bitbake -c cleansstate tisdk-default-image
2. MACHINE=am62xx-evm bitbake -c cleansstate linux-ti-staging
3. MACHINE=am62xx-evm bitbake -c menuconfig linux-ti-staging
4. modify driver(build/arago-tmp-default-glibc/work-shared/am62xx-evm/kernel-source/sound/core/pcm_lib.c)
5. MACHINE=am62xx-evm bitbake linux-ti-staging
6. MACHINE=am62xx-evm bitbake tisdk-default-image
The driver source code & image can be rebuild and useful.
But if I set to rebuild RT-LINUX, the driver's modify doesn't seem to work
1. MACHINE=am62xx-evm bitbake -c cleansstate tisdk-default-image
2. MACHINE=am62xx-evm bitbake -c cleansstate linux-ti-staging
3. MACHINE=am62xx-evm bitbake -c menuconfig linux-ti-staging
4. modify driver(build/arago-tmp-default-glibc/work-shared/am62xx-evm/kernel-source/sound/core/pcm_lib.c)
5. MACHINE=am62xx-evm bitbake linux-ti-staging
6. MACHINE=am62xx-evm ARAGO_RT_ENABLE=1 bitbake tisdk-default-image
Did I lose some settings? Or modify the wrong source code?