Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM69A
Hi team:
TIDL version :
SDK LINUX image:
I use the example code: ~/edgeai-tidl-tools/examples/jupyter_notebooks/custom-model-onnx.ipynb and custom-model-tflite.ipynb to convert default model(onnx/tflite) file to TIDL format,
where default model is provided from /edgeai-tidl-tools/examples/jupyter_notebooks/models/public
But I get the two error below:
-------- Running Calibration in Float Mode to Collect Tensor Statistics -------- [=============================================================================] 100 % ------------------ Fixed-point Calibration Iteration [1 / 3]: ------------------ Illegal instruction (core dumped) ] 25 % [TIDL Import] ERROR: Failed to run calibration pass, system command returned error: 33792 -- [tidl_import_core.cpp, 675] [TIDL Import] ERROR: Failed to run Calibration - Failed in function: tidlRunQuantStatsTool -- [tidl_import_core.cpp, 1720] [TIDL Import] [QUANTIZATION] ERROR: - Failed in function: TIDL_quantStatsFixedOrFloat -- [tidl_import_quantize.cpp, 3574] [TIDL Import] [QUANTIZATION] ERROR: - Failed in function: TIDL_runIterativeCalibration -- [tidl_import_quantize.cpp, 3722] [TIDL Import] [QUANTIZATION] ERROR: - Failed in function: TIDL_import_quantize -- [tidl_import_quantize.cpp, 4545] [TIDL Import] ERROR: - Failed in function: TIDL_import_backend -- [tidl_import_core.cpp, 4139] [TIDL Import] ERROR: - Failed in function: TIDL_runtimesPostProcessNet -- [tidl_runtimes_import_common.cpp, 1390] tidl_tfLiteRtImport_delegate.cpp Invoke 647 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 4/4 [00:10<00:00, 2.56s/it] ******** WARNING ******* : Could not open custom-artifacts/tflite/mobilev1//allowedNode.txt for reading... Entire model will run on ARM without any delegation to TIDL !
Please help me to check this symptom,
Thanks for your kindly help.