SK-AM62A-LP: Yocto build error.

Part Number: SK-AM62A-LP


I am unable to do Build Steps of Yocto documented in software-dl.ti . After  MACHINE=am62axx-evm bitbake -k tisdk-core-bundle command. Seems 7 tasks failed and need re-run.

NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 19684 tasks of which 19677 didn't need to be rerun and 7 failed.
NOTE: Writing buildhistory
NOTE: Writing buildhistory took: 4 seconds
NOTE: Writing buildhistory
NOTE: Writing buildhistory took: 4 seconds

Summary: 7 tasks failed:
Summary: There were 14 ERROR messages, returning a non-zero exit code.

This is the note and summary in terminal. Please help me to solve this problem.

Thank you.

  • Hi Sajan,

    I'm seeing issues trying to build `tisdk-core-bundle` myself, but different errors from what you see. However regular image targets build just fine. I'm checking with the team to see how we build those targets in production, perhaps there's some piece missing in the documentation.

    Also, why are you trying to build `tisdk-core-bundle`? This target is usually only used here at TI during SDK creation, and is not something a customer would use. If anything, a customer typically would build `meta-toolchain-arago-tisdk` to generate what's called "devkit installer", which is the cross-platform host toolchain + libraries + headers etc. for application development.

    Regards, Andreas

  • Hi Andreas,

    As you mentioned I tried using meta-toolchain-arago-tisdk as target. It also contain errors. Attaching the terminal notes below.

    NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 8398 tasks of which 8391 didn't need to be rerun and 6 failed.
    NOTE: Writing buildhistory
    NOTE: Writing buildhistory took: 3 seconds
    NOTE: Writing buildhistory
    NOTE: Writing buildhistory took: 3 seconds
    Summary: 6 tasks failed:
    Summary: There were 8 WARNING messages.
    Summary: There were 12 ERROR messages, returning a non-zero exit code.



  • As you mentioned I tried using meta-toolchain-arago-tisdk as target. It also contain errors. A

    Yes that one also doesn't build for me. But also here, my errors are different. I checked with the development team they didn't readily know what might be going wrong, they claim it builds for them.

    I'll need to spend some more time digging into this myself by setting this up on a different machine/from scratch and report back here,

    Regards, Andreas

  • Sajan,

    also, are you building this on Ubuntu 22.04?

    Then, can you also try the Docker-based build process, as an alternative? See here  (this is linked from the SDK documentation at

    Also, how much memory and swap space do you have configured? Ideally you'd want at least 64GB combined total.

    Regards, Andreas

  • I tried it on Ubuntu 22.04 machine has both 32gb ram and swap.


  • Hi Sajan,

    I just used a second machine with a different install of the Yocto build system for AM62A SDK v10.0 and was able to build meta-toolchain-arago-tisdk without any issues:

    a0797059@dasso:~/tisdk/am62axx-evm/build (master)
    $ ll deploy-ti/sdk/
    total 481668
    drwxr-xr-x 3 a0797059 a0797059      4096 Dec 11 22:21 ./
    drwxr-xr-x 4 a0797059 a0797059      4096 Dec 11 22:21 ../
    -rw-r--r-- 2 a0797059 a0797059     24664 Dec 11 22:14
    -rw-r--r-- 2 a0797059 a0797059   2149308 Dec 11 22:14 arago-2023.10-aarch64-linux-tisdk-host.spdx.tar.zst
    -rw-r--r-- 2 a0797059 a0797059 486828058 Dec 11 22:21
    drwxr-xr-x 2 a0797059 a0797059      4096 Dec 11 22:19 arago-2023.10-aarch64-linux-tisdk-sw_manifest/
    -rw-r--r-- 2 a0797059 a0797059     39999 Dec 11 22:13
    -rw-r--r-- 2 a0797059 a0797059   3611815 Dec 11 22:13 arago-2023.10-aarch64-linux-tisdk-target.spdx.tar.zst
    -rw-r--r-- 2 a0797059 a0797059    547426 Dec 11 22:13 arago-2023.10-aarch64-linux-tisdk.testdata.json

    I'm trying tisdk-core-bundle next.

    Can you try a fresh/clean install as well?

    Regards, Andreas

  • Hello Andreas,

    Can you please check tisdk-default-image target. It seems error when I try to  build that target.

    WARNING: Duplicate inclusion for /home/tisdk/tisdk/sources/meta-arago/meta-arago-distro/conf/distro/include/ in /home/tisdk/tisdk/sources/meta-arago/meta-arago-distro/conf/distro/arago.conf
    WARNING: Duplicate inclusion for /home/tisdk/tisdk/sources/meta-arago/meta-arago-distro/conf/distro/include/ in /home/tisdk/tisdk/sources/meta-arago/meta-arago-distro/conf/distro/arago.conf
    NOTE: Started PRServer with DBfile: /home/tisdk/tisdk/build/cache/prserv.sqlite3, Address:, PID: 1193
    Loading cache: 100% |############################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:02
    Loaded 11126 entries from dependency cache.
    Parsing recipes: 100% |##########################################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:01
    Parsing of 7068 .bb files complete (7067 cached, 1 parsed). 11127 targets, 1714 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
    ERROR: Invalid line '' in sstate manifest '/home/tisdk/tisdk/build/arago-tmp-default-glibc/sstate-control/index-x86_64'
    Summary: There were 2 WARNING messages.
    Summary: There was 1 ERROR message, returning a non-zero exit code.

  • Can you please check tisdk-default-image target. It seems error when I try to  build that target.

    Building tisdk-default-image is not supported with AM62A SDK v10.0. The full image to build is the tisdk-edgeai-image image as per SDK documentation. If you want to build a smaller image you could build tisdk-base-image as well, I just tried it and it went through successfully. However it won't have much of the AM62A specifics in it (only basic BSP support) but could be a good starting point to add in selected items / packages.

    Regards, Andreas

  • I tried to build tisdk-edgeai-image still the error occured in the build.

    ERROR: qtmultimedia-5.15.13+git-r0 do_compile: oe_runmake failed
    ERROR: qtmultimedia-5.15.13+git-r0 do_compile: ExecutionError('/home/user/tisdk/build/arago-tmp-default-glibc/work/aarch64-oe-linux/qtmultimedia/5.15.13+git/temp/run.do_compile.481770', 1, None, None)
    ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/user/tisdk/build/arago-tmp-default-glibc/work/aarch64-oe-linux/qtmultimedia/5.15.13+git/temp/log.do_compile.481770
    ERROR: Task (/home/user/tisdk/sources/meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/ failed with exit code '1'

    Regards, Sajan

  • Sajan,

    I'd recommend setting up things from scratch. Below are the corrected steps for AM62A SDK v10.0, as the steps in the SDK doc are not always easy to follow (location/name of config file) plus there are known issues that will be fixed in the next documentation release (branding step causes errors, secure dev package is no longer needed).

    git clone tisdk
    cd tisdk
    ./ -f configs/processor-sdk-analytics/processor-sdk-analytics-10.00.00-config.txt
    cd build
    . conf/setenv
    echo 'ARAGO_BRAND = "edgeai"' >> conf/local.conf
    MACHINE=am62axx-evm bitbake -k tisdk-edgeai-image

    If you still have issues, try:

    • Setup things on a new/different Ubuntu 22.04 machine, and/or
    • Try the Docker-based build approach

    Regards, Andreas

  • Hello Andreas,

    There are so many difference in steps mentioned in documentation and github docker step repository.

    I am trying the docker based approach. So can you give me the proper steps of docker based installation as your previous reply.

    I followed github steps as that and build completed. But can't find the wic image from anywhere in the build directory. I think it is because of the steps I followed.

    tisdk-edgeai-image target can't build. After 60% of completion it terminated and computer becomes logged out automatically.

    Regards, Sajan

  • Sajan,

    I'm on international business travel for the rest of the week; will look at this early next week as time allows.

    Regards, Andreas

  • Hi Andreas,

    Thank you for the update. I completely understand, and I hope your business travels go smoothly. I'll look forward to hearing from you next week.

    Safe travels!

    Best regards,

  • Can you please help me.

  • Hi Sajan,

    I followed github steps as that and build completed. But can't find the wic image from anywhere in the build directory. I think it is because of the steps I followed.

    I suppose you are referring to these steps here: In there, it says "Your target wic image will be generated in deploy-ti directory."

    Can you try the below command from your build/ folder, to see if you can locate any wic files. Note that the wic files are compressed, so they have an additional extension on the file name.

    a0797059@jiji:~/tisdk/am62axx-evm/build (master)
    $ find deploy-ti/ -name '*.wic*'

    tisdk-edgeai-image target can't build. After 60% of completion it terminated and computer becomes logged out automatically

    Try this here, taken from the AM62 documentation ( Try setting both variables to `4` as a starting point.

    Regards, Andreas

  • Hi Andreas,
    I tried the above mentioned terminal command and got same as you. I flashed the wic image by bmap. But it doesn't boot up the board.

    find deploy-ti/ -name '*.wic*'

    I tried to rebuild, it seems 2 errors now.

    ERROR: Task (/home/tisdk/tisdk/sources/meta-qt5/recipes-qt/qt5/ failed with exit code '1'
    ERROR: Task (/home/tisdk/tisdk/sources/oe-core/meta/recipes-support/boost/ failed with exit code '134' 
    Pseudo log:
    path mismatch [3 links]: ino 54531709 db '/home/tisdk/tisdk/build/arago-tmp-default-glibc/work/aarch64-oe-linux/boost/1.84.0/image/usr/lib/cmake/boost_math_c99f-1.84.0/boost_math_c99f-config-version.cmake' req '/home/tisdk/tisdk/build/arago-tmp-default-glibc/work/aarch64-oe-linux/boost/1.84.0/image'.
    inode mismatch: '/home/tisdk/tisdk/build/arago-tmp-default-glibc/work/aarch64-oe-linux/boost/1.84.0/image' ino 54427837 in db, 54531709 in request.
    Setup complete, sending SIGUSR1 to pid 8567.
    NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 14079 tasks of which 14077 didn't need to be rerun and 2 failed.
    NOTE: Writing buildhistory
    NOTE: Writing buildhistory took: 3 seconds
    NOTE: Writing buildhistory
    NOTE: Writing buildhistory took: 3 seconds


  • Hi Sajan,

    I tried the above mentioned terminal command and got same as you. I flashed the wic image by bmap

    What command did you use? It should be something lile...

    sudo bmaptool copy deploy-ti/images/am62xx-evm/tisdk-default-image-am62xx-evm.rootfs.wic.xz /dev/<device_name_of_sd_card> && sync

    Also, can you flash the standard SDK wic image from This way you can validate if your board is setup correctly to boot. Note that when flashing that wic image, you need to add '--nobmap' as a parameter to the 'bmaptool' command, as the web download doesn't include a corresponding *.bmap file. So your command will need to look like this...

    sudo bmaptool copy --nobmap ...

    I tried to rebuild, it seems 2 errors now.

    Looks like some corruption in your build folder ('...inode mismatch:...'), best is probably you remove/delete all folders from build/ except build/conf, and re-start.

    Regards, Andreas

  • Hello Andreas,

    Thanks a lot, for your invaluable support and guidance throughout the discussions—it truly made all the difference in successfully completing the boot-up process!

    Best Regards,
