I want to run uboot on eMMC, could you provide related reference documentation?
Please see the following guide:
Hi Prashant,
Now I can boot from SD card and I want to boot from eMMC. I followed the guide:, but I meet some question as bellow:
1. As the guide mention:
# mkdir -p /mnt/temp
# mount -t ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/temp
# cd /mnt/temp
# tar xf <Linux image file copied from the host>
# cd ..
# umount temp
I got the Linux image from, however it's WIC images. It seems the images couldn't use tar to untar. So how to do for this step?
2. I couldn't use saveenv to save environment variables:
=> setenv mmcdev 0
=> saveenv
Unknown command 'saveenv' - try 'help'
=> version
U-Boot 2024.04-ti-gfda88f8bcea3 (Jul 26 2024 - 11:00:12 +0000)
The SD card is created by using balenTtcher and image is tisdk-default-image-am62xx-evm.rootfs.wic.xz which is got from
It seems the images couldn't use tar to untar. So how to do for this step?
The tar filesystems are part of the SDK installation:
❯ pwd /home/p-shivhare/ti/psdk/am62x/ ❯ ls -1 filesystem/am62xx-evm tisdk-base-image-am62xx-evm.rootfs.tar.xz tisdk-thinlinux-image-am62xx-evm.rootfs.tar.xz tisdk-tiny-initramfs-am62xx-evm.rootfs.cpio
I couldn't use saveenv to save environment variables:
The `saveenv` command has been removed in the recent SDKs.
Please see the following for the alternate solution:
Hi Prashant,
Which SDK would have the tar filesystems? I use the start kit AM62B-P1.
I couldn't find tisdk-base-image-am62xx-evm.rootfs.tar.xz in my sdk(ti-processor-sdk-linux-am62xx-evm- installed which is get from here named Processor SDK Linux for AM62x.
Besides, I want to confirm whether the SDK I got could run good for start kit AM62B-P1? Beacause I found it's name ....linux-am62xx.....
Best regards,
I couldn't find tisdk-base-image-am62xx-evm.rootfs.tar.xz in my sdk(ti-processor-sdk-linux-am62xx-evm-
After installation, the tar filesystems can be found at: $PSDK_INSTALL_DIR/filesystem/am62xx-evm.
Besides, I want to confirm whether the SDK I got could run good for start kit AM62B-P1? Beacause I found it's name ....linux-am62xx.....
Yes, that is the correct SDK.