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TDA4AL-Q1: IO Buffer is mandatory for OSPI and boot mode isolation?

Part Number: TDA4AL-Q1


Dear expert,

we had removed IO buffer between boot mode and MCU PSPI d0/d1/d4/d5 for cost down purpose.  which different from EVM design. and now the OSPI already wakeup . Is it ok to keep current design that without IO buffer to mass production?

  • No - buffer is NOT required.  Can use simple pull-up or pull-down resistors to set BOOTMODE values.  Make sure resistors are placed to NOT create trace stub - don't want to impact signal integrity for optimal OSPI performance.

  • Hi Robert

    we removed the buffer but keep the 1kohm resistors, "Make sure resistors are placed to NOT create trace stub" -> this mean is 1kohm resistor should to placed near the OSPI chipset, or pull-up / pull-down resistor for bootmode also need to placed near OSPI?

  • The 1K-ohm resistor is to help isolate the buffer - thus you should not need it.  Should only require a pull-up or pull-down resistor to set BOOTMODE.  Regarding the the stub comment - the OSPI trace should be routed through the pull-up/down resistor pad (daisy-chain) and not to the resistor pad (star).