I am trying to use CCS7 with USB560v2, but it is not working properly.
The following comment is displayed in Windows Device Manager:
"The digital signature of the driver required for this device cannot be verified. A recent change to your hardware or software may have installed an improperly signed or corrupted file, or it may be malicious software of unknown origin. (Code 52)"
I had some doubts about the CCS7 environment settings, so I uninstalled CCS7 and other libraries and rebuilt them.
I used the uninstaller to uninstall, but various library files remained in the folder under \TI, so I deleted them manually.
Before uninstalling, I was able to use USB560v2, so I assume some files were damaged during uninstallation.
Please let me know if there is a way to reinstall the USB560v2 driver and make it usable.
The post content has been translated from Japanese to English using Google's translation site.