Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SK-AM62A-LP
Dear TI.
It's my first time to set/bring up with your AP, that's why I'm not sure if I write desired ti e2e format properly or not..
Please understand me.
We wanted to flash sd card image on your SK-AM62A-LP evb, but it was failed to boot.
I cannot see any boot logs on my terminal. I confirmed that com ports(4) were connected on my host pc.
We've already finished to do followings which are attaced on FAQ of am62a booting problem.
- Flashing all the revisions of tisdk-edgeai-image-am62axx-evm.wic.xz
- Flashing on LINUX pc.
- Flashing with administrator privileges of balene etcher
All of the above results are same, thers's nothing related with booting logs(no reaction).
Could you offer further guides to resolve this problem?