AM6442: Device driver for SPI-DAC DAC60508ZCRTER

Part Number: AM6442
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC60508,


Hello TI,

We are using SPI-DAC DAC60508ZCRTER in our design, Can we please get the kernel device driver for DAC60508ZCRTER to bringup and also if any other part of BSP source code to be modified to bring up this device please let us know.

Thank you,


  • Hi Prathibha,

    We do not have the above-mentioned resources. The DAC60508 uses a 24-bit SPI frame and captures data on the clock falling edge (typically SPI mode 1 or 2 in most controllers). I will direct you to the correct team for any questions you may have with the AM6442 SPI peripheral.

    If you have questions about specific register settings for the DAC60508 to achieve a certain configuration, please let me know and I'd be happy to help. 


    Katlynne Jones

  • Should also ask if the user is using the A53 core (64 bit Linux) or the R5/M4 cores (32 bit, FreeRTOS or no-rtos) - SPI differs somewhat contingent on which core is doing what.


  • There's a driver for this DAC in the Zephyr OS that can be found here:

    While we don't support this OS, perhaps the source there can be used as a starting point for a custom driver implementation. If you are using Linux, the easiest would probably be to model after existing DAC drivers in the IIO sub-system, specifically one of the drivers/iio/dac/ti-dac*.c drivers.

    Regards, Andreas

  • Good input Andreas. I am sure the TI folks in Arizona (old Burr-Brown site, where Katlynne Jones is based) would sure like to know there is some Zephyr OS support for that DAC. It should be easy to convert that implementation to either Linux or FreeRTOS.

    Maybe no one to date asked for AM64x Sitara support interfacing to that DAC family, but I bet some business case could be made if Prathibha can show the say Paul Frost.


    Jim (ex-TIer '82-'97)

  • Hi Jim,

    Jim (ex-TIer '82-'97)
    but I bet some business case could be made if Prathibha can show the volumes.

    Thanks for still keeping your "TI hat" on Slight smile

    Yes, usually a business case is what's needed to enable pretty much anything that goes beyond standard E2E forum support. Providing a new driver certainly is an example for that. For some devices the TI analog teams are actually doing this proactively.

    Regards, Andreas

  • Hello TI,

    Thank you for the updates,

    We are using AM6442 A53 core, Linux 6.6.32.

    Please let us know if the SPI device DAC60508 tested in Linux? if yes, is this using device driver, or is it tested on other core?

    TI: Maybe no one to date asked for AM64x Sitara support interfacing to that DAC family, but I bet some business case could be made if Prathibha can show the say Paul Frost.

    Ans: I need to check with our management.

    Thank you,


  • Please let us know if the SPI device DAC60508 tested in Linux? if yes, is this using device driver, or is it tested on other core?

    I had looked through the latest Linux kernel upstream sources, and there's no support for this device. Hence my recommendation using an existing TI DAC driver as a starting point to implement this. You'll either need to implement this driver (we can help for sure), find somebody to implement it for you, or use another DAC where the driver is readily available (generally speaking usually it's a good idea to check for driver availability _before_ starting a HW design).

    Regards, Andreas

  • Hello TI,

    We have below TI DAC driver from the kernel path "drivers/iio/dac/",

    ti-dac082s085.c   ti-dac5571.c     ti-dac7311.c     ti-dac7612.c

    Which driver will you recommend us to take as reference to customize for DAC60508,

    Thank you,


  • Hello TI,

    We have below TI DAC driver from the kernel path "drivers/iio/dac/",

    I'm currently on international business travel working at a customer site and not able to look into this further; will comment once I'm back in the office next week.

    Regards, Andreas

  • Hello TI,

    Please let me know if there is any updated on this

    Thank you,


  • Hello TI,

    Is there any update on this topic,

    Thank you,


  • Prathibha:

     Suggest you choose one of the 4 yourself, OR ask Katlynne Jones( )  for a recommendation as to which one of the 4 is closest implementation to start from (the analog applications team in Arizona would know the device better than Andreas)
