I have a GPU demo compilation question to consult with you, hoping to help answer it~
SDK:TDA4VEN linux SDK10.1
Problem description:
I found that all GPU related demos for this 10.1 SDK were not compiled (mainly visic_apps \ apps \ sv_demos). Later, I looked at their corresponding concerto.mak files,
I found that SKIPBUILD=1 was skipped inside, so I changed it to 0
ifeq ($(SOC),$(filter $(SOC), j722s am62a))
Compiling GPU demo error, taking compiling visic_apps \ apps \ srv-demos \ app_strv_camera as an example, change SKIPBUILD in the concerto.mak file of app_strv_camera to 0,
And synchronize the modification of its dependencies on visic_apps \ applibs \ srv-bowl-lut_gen-applib and visic_apps \ kernels \ srv \ gpu, visic_apps \ kernels \ srv \ gpu \ 3dsrv, and
The concerto.mak file in visic_apps \ utilities \ opengl \ src \ a72 (all with SKIPBUILD changed to 0) still cannot be compiled. Is it because the SDK version 10.1 does not support this?
Or are there some other settings? The specific errors are as follows:
Could you please help confirm the reason and how to make the necessary modifications? thank you very much~