AM6442: Undeclared Identifier for MCU GPIO Interrupt Routers

Part Number: AM6442



I am trying to upgrade my project to use the new MCU+ SDK 10.1 and I'm running into a compilation error saying that the interrupt router number is undeclared. This is shown below.

**** Build of configuration Debug for project IO_Controller ****

"C:\\ti\\ccs1281\\ccs\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k -j 24 all -O

Building file: "../gpio.c"
Invoking: Arm Compiler
"C:/ti/ti-cgt-armllvm_4.0.1.LTS/bin/tiarmclang.exe" -c -mcpu=cortex-m4 -mfloat-abi=hard -mlittle-endian -mthumb -I"C:/ti/ti-cgt-armllvm_4.0.1.LTS/include/c" -I"C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_10_01_00_32/source" -I"C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_10_01_00_32/source/kernel/freertos/FreeRTOS-Kernel/include" -I"C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_10_01_00_32/source/kernel/freertos/portable/TI_ARM_CLANG/ARM_CM4F" -I"C:/ti/mcu_plus_sdk_am64x_10_01_00_32/source/kernel/freertos/config/am64x/m4f" -DSOC_AM64X -D_DEBUG_=1 -g -Wall -Wno-gnu-variable-sized-type-not-at-end -Wno-unused-function -MMD -MP -MF"gpio.d_raw" -MT"gpio.o" -I"C:/Users/BrycenHillukka/workspace_v12/IO_Controller/Debug/syscfg" -o"gpio.o" "../gpio.c" recipe for target 'gpio.o' failed
../gpio.c:253:142: error: use of undeclared identifier 'CSLR_MCU_M4FSS0_CORE0_INTR_MAIN_GPIOMUX_INTROUTER0_OUTP_5'
253 | digital_input_init(digital_input_base_addr[i], digital_input_pin[i], digital_input_gpio_dir[i], digital_input_gpio_trig_type[i], DI1_INTR_NUM, &gpio_isr);
| ^
C:/Users/BrycenHillukka/workspace_v12/IO_Controller/Debug/syscfg\ti_drivers_config.h:108:27: note: expanded from macro 'DI1_INTR_NUM'
| ^

I have run into this error in the past, which was solved in this thread.

The same fix did not work on this new version of MCU+ SDK. I also noticed that there is no .meta folder in the source/drivers/ directory of the new MCU+ SDK. How can I resolve this issue? Are there any further steps I can take so I don't run into this issue the next time I upgrade MCU+ SDK?

Thanks for your help,


  • Hi Brycen,

    Thanks for your query.

    It seems like the macro you are using here is incorrect. Please use CSLR_MCU_M4FSS0_CORE0_NVIC_MCU_MCU_GPIOMUX_INTROUTER0_OUTP_5 instead of CSLR_MCU_M4FSS0_CORE0_INTR_MAIN_GPIOMUX_INTROUTER0_OUTP_5 macro.

    After replacing the above you will be able to build example without errors.

