I'm trying to map an interrupt event to a specific vector on th 8148/Bios6. The bios call to the eventMap (if I've included the right files) says the function is undefined:
for example:
Hwi_eventMap(5, 8);
I checked the RTSC package information (file:///C:/Program%20Files/Texas%20Instruments/bios_6_32_05_54/docs/cdoc/index.html) and didn't find it.
I'm investigating something called eventID in the hwiParams. Could this be where I select an event? The documentation for eventId says the following:
config Hwi_eventId // instance |
Interrupt event ID (Interrupt Selection Number)
C synopsis | target-domain |
association of a peripheral event to an interrupt number. The default
value of -1 leaves the eventId associated with an interrupt number in its
normal (reset) state (that is, no re-association is required).
Int eventId = -1;