TDA4AL-Q1: (Eagleye) How to reduce tisdk-adas-image ext4 image size

Part Number: TDA4AL-Q1


Hi Ti :

We found that tisdk-adas-image-j721s2-evm.rootfs.ext4 is larger than tisdk-base-image-j721s2-evm.rootfs.ext4
How can we reduce the size of this image?

Could you also explain , what these sources mean?
or any document introducing it ?

ti-vision-apps-dev \
ti-edgeai-firmware \
ti-tidl-dev \
edgeai-tiovx-kernels-dev \
edgeai-tiovx-modules-dev \
edgeai-tiovx-kernels-source \
edgeai-tiovx-modules-source \
edgeai-apps-utils-source \
edgeai-tiovx-apps-dev \
edgeai-tiovx-apps-source \

EDGEAI_STACK:append:adas = " \
ti-tidl-osrt-staticdev \
edgeai-gst-plugins \

the current size as below
-rw-r--r-- 1 fihtdc fihtdc 7322260480 一 17 15:32 tisdk-adas-image-j721s2-evm.rootfs.ext4
-rw-r--r-- 1 fihtdc fihtdc 893507584 一 17 15:32 tisdk-base-image-j721s2-evm.rootfs.ext4

We expect to reduce tisdk-adas-image-j721s2-evm.rootfs.ext4 size to < 1 GB

Thank you.

  • Hi Ti:

    Question 2:

    Could you also explain what the following libraries are used for?
    Since they have the word "test" or "cts" on them and very large ,
    can we possible to remove them without affecting basic graphics/video/image/camera functionality ? and how to modify?

    (ex. lib piglit/vulkan-cts/opengl-es-cts)

    usr$ du -h ./ --max-depth=3 | sort -rh | head -n 10
    5.0G ./
    3.9G ./lib
    2.1G ./lib/piglit
    2.0G ./lib/piglit/generated_tests
    696M ./lib/vulkan-cts
    547M ./lib/vulkan-cts/vk-default
    411M ./include
    345M ./bin
    288M ./share
    247M ./lib/opengl-es-cts

    Thanks for your support

  • Hi, Dear Expert

    Any Feed back?

    Thank You.


  • Hi; I have escalated your questions to our development team. they will provide info to you.

    thanks and regards

    Wen Li