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PCIe adapter for TMS320C6678 EVM board


I want to establish a communication via PCIe between the C6678 EVM board  and an FPGA board having a PCIe upstream edge (male connection) .. 

What is the easiest way to link the AMC of the C6678 board and the PCIe connector of the FPGA ? do you recommand a specific adapter ?

I found that TI adapter : that seems to adapt AMC to PCIe with an upstream edge, which doesn't help for a possible connection between the two boards ..

Any suggestions ?


  • I've found a passive pcie backplane here : 

    Does that kind of backplanes require any configuration ? is it transparent when connecting the boards ? does it include any latency ?


  • I need to do the same thing and this was the exact solution I arrived at.  I have ordered boards...  did you get this to work?  Which backplane model did you use and which connectors did you plug your boards into?

  • Hi people,

    I also have your problem (I need to connect a C6678 EVM to a FPGA by PCIe). Instead of the backplane suggested by Mnr Bht, I am trying to use a SPE-4S-R10 backplane, with no success until now.

    Have you had any success with your backplane?


  • Hi Alejandro,

    We found that a passive PCI backplane will not work as the TX/RX/CLK signals on the "motherboard" slot in the PCIe passive backplane is not wired compatible with TI and FPGA cards. 

    Ultimetely we layed out and manufactured a custom backplane with TX->RX, RX->TX and a clock driver (just in case).  We were able to get C6678 and FPGA communicating succesfully with the custom backplane.  I am not sure what the "rules" are with the "TI E2E Community", but let me know if you need a custom backplane. 

    Another gotcha is to make sure you handle the PCIe Reset signal in the FPGA.  We tied the Reset in hardware on the backplane.  I have also had success tieing it in my VHDL code.

