We are developing a system on module (SOM) based on the AM335x CPU and had a question related to the MAC addresses (in EFUSE) of the CONTROL_MODULE (offsets 0x630 through 0x63C) . The TRM specifies that these are "device-dependent" and doesn't say more more on the subject. The units we have show valid MAC address (with a TI registered OUI of D4-94-A1). Does TI guarantee that all AM335X devices will have pre-assigned, unique, valid MAC addresses assigned to each unit?
The linux and u-Boot code tries to read these values first, and if they are invalid, will use numbers pulled from external FLASH on the EVMs. It's not clear if this should really be necessary.
For other SOMs, we have typically registered for and assigned our own MAC addresses to devices capable of ethernet communication. We are trying to determine if we need to do that for this design. If TI always provides valid, unique MAC addresses at factory, then we can skip this registration (and not waste address registration space as well as $$ in the assignments). Can someone confirm this is a valid assumption?