I'm trying to use the EMIF 16 interface in 6678 and I have some questions that I couldn't figure out a solution:
1 - Is there any example code for C6678? The examples I found are only for older DSPs.
2 - The only way to set EMIFA[23:0] and EMIFD[15:0] is writing directly to the corresponding CE memory space?
3 - How do I set the control bits (EMIFCE, EMIFRnW...) in CCS 5.1, which header should I include? How do I set them, directly (EMIFCE = 1, for example) or using a pointer to a memory position as in the case when I want do set EMIFA and EMIFD? I think that EMIFOE and EMIFWE are set automatically when I configure the Async registers, but EMIRFRnW and EMIFCE?
4 - What's the memory position where the config registers are stored? According to the datasheet it's from 0x20C00000 to 0x20C000FF, but if I set them using the struct defined in cslr_emif16.h, simulate the code (using Functional or Cycle Approximation simulators) and use the disassembly tool there's nothing written on those positions. Is it a problem with the simulator or I shouldn't use those structs defined in the header file?
5 - In the header file cslr_emif16.h (...\Texas Instruments\pdk_C6678_1_0_0_17\packages\ti\csl), where the registers related to EMIF16 are defined, there are some registers like IOCR that aren't described either in the 6678 datasheet or in the KeyStone Architecture External Memory Interface (EMIF16) - SPRUGZ3A document, where do I find what those registers do?
Thanks in advance for any help.