I am using GLP1.6.1 on the OMAP4. The kernel source is from git://dev.omapzoom.org/pub/scm/integration/kernel-ubuntu.git (branch: ti-ubuntu-3.3-1482). The SGX kernel module source (eurasia_km) is from sgx-lib_1. in OPBU_GFX_DDK_GLP1.6.1
It appears as though the GLP1.6.1 SGX kernel module source does not match the GLP1.6.1 Linux kernel source.
The SGX kernel module source uses the kernel's direct rendering manager (DRM) to access the frame buffer. But the SGX driver passes incorrect parameters to the kernel's DRM driver's routines. It also calls non-existent DRM functions.
For example, In omaplfb_displayclass.c, call to omap_framebuffer_init() with incorrect 2nd parameter type and missing 3rd parameter. Also, In omaplfb_displayclass.c, call to omap_framebuffer_get_buffer() which is not in the kernel.
Where can I obtain SGX driver source that matches the kernel?