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C6678 DDR3 Initialization fails

Hi all,

we have a problem with DDR3 operation on a self designed C6678 board.
We use the same DDR3 architecture as on the EVM6678 but with
Nanya NT5CB128M16BP-CGI memory component (see
So we have DDR3-1333/64Bit without ECC.

We started with the EVM GEL file and adjusted the timing values for 666.667MHz
according to the Nanya data sheet. For the leveling values, we took the trace lengths
from our PCB design tool and used the register settings from the spread sheet
DDR3_PHY_Calc_V8. Our PCB tool reports for 153ps/inch delay, so we used this value
instead of the delay from the approximation formula given in the instructions.

Not sure if this is important, but the spread sheet reports the values for
DATAx_WRLVL_INIT_RATIO *all* zero. Is this a problem?

However, the initialization never succeeds. The bits (6:4) in the DDR3
controller status register (0x21000004) are all 1, so the leveling seems to fail
completely. I tried to acces the address range after 0x80000000 with Code Composer's
memory browser. Write operations are completely effectless and read
operations result in a random pattern (but with most data words 0).

I did not check the details, but I could not find a violation of the design rules
so far. The DDR3 clock is present and has a jitter below +/- 125ps. I measured only
one lane of the differential DDR3 clock, so I expect that the jitter is even lower
when analyzing the differential signal. The DDR3 voltage is slighly too high (1.56V).

Here is the ddr3_setup_auto_lvl_1333() funtion from the GEL with our modifications:

    int i,TEMP,startlo, stoplo,starthi, stophi;
    float DDR3_FREQ, DDR3_CYCLE;

    /* Wait for PLL to lock = min 500 ref clock cycles.
       With refclk = 100MHz, = 5000 ns = 5us */

    /***************** 3.2 DDR3 PLL Configuration ************/
    /* Done before, M=19, D=0 */

    /**************** 3.0 Leveling Register Configuration ********************/
    /* Using partial automatic leveling due to errata */

    /**************** 3.3 Leveling register configuration ********************/
    DDR3_CONFIG_REG_0 &= ~(0x007FE000);  // clear ctrl_slave_ratio field
    DDR3_CONFIG_REG_0 |= 0x00200000;     // set ctrl_slave_ratio to 0x100
    DDR3_CONFIG_REG_12 |= 0x08000000;    // Set invert_clkout = 1
    DDR3_CONFIG_REG_0 |= 0xF;            // set dll_lock_diff to 15

    //From 4.2.1 Executing Partial Automatic Leveling -- Start
    DDR3_CONFIG_REG_23 |= 0x00000200;    //Set bit 9 = 1 to use forced ratio leveling for read DQS
    DDR3_CONFIG_REG_23 &= 0xffffff00;   
    DDR3_CONFIG_REG_23 |= 0x00000013;
    GEL_TextOut("DDR3: read DQS ratio = 0x13h.\n");  
        //From 4.2.1 Executing Partial Automatic Leveling -- End

    //Values with invertclkout = 1
    /**************** 3.3 Partial Automatic Leveling ********************/
    /* Note: all values from from DDR3_PHY_Calc_V8.xls */


    //Do a PHY reset. Toggle DDR_PHY_CTRL_1 bit 15 0->1->0
    DDR_DDRPHYC &= ~(0x00008000);
    DDR_DDRPHYC |= (0x00008000);
    DDR_DDRPHYC &= ~(0x00008000);

    /***************** 3.4 Basic Controller and DRAM Configuration ************/
    DDR_SDRFC    = 0x00005162;    // enable configuration

    DDR3_FREQ = 666.666666e+06;
    DDR3_CYCLE = 1.0/DDR3_FREQ;

    TEMP = 0;
    TEMP |= TimeToField(13.125e-09,     DDR3_FREQ, 25);   // T_RP
    TEMP |= TimeToField(13.125e-09,     DDR3_FREQ, 21);   // T_RCD  
    TEMP |= TimeToField(15.0e-09,       DDR3_FREQ, 17);   // T_WR
    TEMP |= TimeToField(36.0e-09,       DDR3_FREQ, 12);   // T_RAS
    TEMP |= TimeToField(49.5e-09,       DDR3_FREQ, 6);    // T_RC
    TEMP |= TimeToField(30.0e-09/4.0,   DDR3_FREQ, 3);    // T_RRD = T_FAW/4
    TEMP |= TimeToField(7.5e-09,        DDR3_FREQ, 0);    // T_WTR = max(7.5ns, 4*T_CK)
    GEL_TextOut("\DDR3 SDTIM1=%xh\n",,8,,,TEMP);   

    TEMP = 0;
    TEMP |= ClckToField(3, 28);                       // T_XP = max(3 clock cycles, 7.5ns)
    TEMP |= TimeToField(170.0e-09, DDR3_FREQ, 16);    // T_XSNR = 160ns+10ns
    TEMP |= ClckToField(512, 6);                      // T_XSRD
    TEMP |= TimeToField(7.5e-09,   DDR3_FREQ, 3);     // T_TRP = max(4 clock cycles, 7.5ns)
    TEMP |= TimeToField(6.0e-09,   DDR3_FREQ, 0);     // T_CKE = max(3 clock cycles, 6ns)
    GEL_TextOut("DDR3 SDTIM2=%xh\n",,8,,,TEMP);

    TEMP = 0;   
    TEMP |= 0x5 << 28;                               // T_PDLL_UL (fixed value)
    TEMP |= 0x5 << 24;                               // T_CSTA bit (fixed value)   
    TEMP |= ClckToField(4, 21);                      // T_CKESR = 3 clocks + 1 clock
    TEMP |= ClckToField(64, 15);                     // ZQ_ZQCS
    TEMP |= TimeToField(160.0e-3, DDR3_FREQ, 4);     // T_RFC
    TEMP |= 0xF;                                     // T_RAS_MAX (fixed value)
    GEL_TextOut("DDR3 SDTIM3=%xh\n",,8,,,TEMP);
    DDR_SDTIM3 = TEMP;  

    DDR_DDRPHYC  = 0x0010010F;           

    DDR_ZQCFG    = 0x70073214;

    DDR_PMCTL    = 0x0;

    DDR_SDRFC = 0x00005162; // enable configuration

    /* DDR_SDCFG    = 0x63062A32; */
    /* New value with DYN_ODT disabled and SDRAM_DRIVE = RZQ/7 //0x63222A32;    // last config write DRAM init occurs */
    TEMP = 0;
    TEMP |= 0x3 << 29; // SDRAM_TYPE bit field 31:29 (fixed value)
    TEMP |= 0x0 << 27; // IBANK_POS bit field 28:27
    TEMP |= 0x3 << 24; // DDR_TERM bit field 26:24
    TEMP |= 0x0 << 21; // DYN_ODT bit field 22:21
    TEMP |= 0x1 << 18; // SDRAM_DRIVE bit field 19:18
    TEMP |= 0x2 << 16; // CWL bit field 17:16
    TEMP |= 0x0 << 14; // NM bit field 15:14
    TEMP |= 0xA << 10; // CL bit field 13:10
    TEMP |= 0x4 << 7; // ROWSIZE bit field 9:7
    TEMP |= 0x3 << 4; // IBANK bit field 6:4
    TEMP |= 0x0 << 3; // EBANK bit field 3:3
    TEMP |= 0x2; // PAGESIZE bit field 2:0

    //Wait 600us for HW init to complete

    DDR_SDRFC = 0x0000144A;       //Refresh rate = (7.8*666MHz)

    /**************** 4.2.1 Executing Partial Automatic Leveling ********************/

    DDR_RDWR_LVL_RMP_CTRL = 0x80000000; //enable full leveling

    DDR_RDWR_LVL_CTRL = 0x80000000; //Trigger full leveling - This ignores read DQS leveling result and uses ratio forced value  

    //(0x34) instead
    //Wait for min 1048576 DDR clock cycles for leveling to complete = 1048576 * 1.5ns = 1572864ns = 1.57ms.
    //Actual time = ~10-15 ms
    GEL_TextOut("\nDDR3 initialization is complete.\n");

I have no idea what's going wrong here.
Can you give me a starting point for searching the cause of the problem?

Thank you very much.

Marcus Bednara

  • The WRLVL_INIT_RATIO values equal to zero doesn't look correct.  Can you share your version of the DDR3 PHY Calc v8.xls spreadsheet values?

  • Hi Bill,

    please find attached our spreadsheet.

    In my first post, I sent a wrong GEL file, it used the leveling values for 180ps/inch delay, while the spreadsheet is based on 153ps.

    All other settings are identical. In both cases, however, all WRLVL_INIT_RATIO values are 0 and the DDR3 does not work.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Hi Marcus,

    I've taken a look at your spreadsheet values and, although they are unusual, they meet the criteria for routing the DDR3.  You'll have to let me know how you positioned the memories to achieve these numbers.  Since you're seeing a full failure of the leveling we need to start with the basics. You've probably checked most of these but let me ask.

    1) Are you using a VTT termination power supply and have you checked that the VTT termination is present for each of the command/address lines.  We've seen the absence of VTT cause this type of failure.

    2) Have you checked to be sure that the clock and the control signals are present at the memories?

    3) The gel you attached has the TimeToField and ClickToField functions which are not part of the standard EVM gel.  Can you attach your copy of the register cal spreadsheet and can you read back the values of the registers with code composer after the gel has executed? 

    4)  Have you attempted to recalculate your values and operate the interface at a DDR3-800 frequency?  If there is something marginal running the memories slower will often allow the leveling to complete.  If it doesn't level at that speed there is something seriously wrong.

    5) Based on the routing numbers I'm guessing that you have your memories on both the top and bottom of the board and that you've stacked them with the address balls towards the center to allow those signals to be routed straight up away from the C6678.  Placing the memories on the top and bottom can create longs stubs on the address and command lines to compensate for the difference in the ball pattern on the top and bottom of the boards.  These stubs can cause problems due to reflections. Have you done any simulation of the interface to check for signal integrity problems?

    Regards, Bill

  • Hi Bill,

    1.) Yes, we use VTT termination power. All address and control lines are terminated via 39 Ohms against 0.75V,
        and clock via 39 Ohms and 100nF against 1.5V.
        We designed the DDR3 circuitry identical to the Advantec EVM6678L (except for the memory components itself).
        I have checked the presence of 0V75 and 1V5. The voltages are slightly too high (0.759V and 1.52V) and the
        0V75 is noisy with about 120mV peak-to-peak (which includes the ground noise).
        I have made the same measurements on the EVM and achieved almost the same results.
    2.) There is no chance to measure the signals directly at the memory pins, but the schematic is correct and
        we have the same behaviour for all 6 boards that we have built. So I don't expect a soldering failure here.
    3.) The TimetoField and ClockToField functions are defined in the GEL file of the Advantec EVM.
        I was not aware of a register cal spreadsheet, but I have downloaded it and used the register values from
        that spreadsheet, without success. I have attached our spread sheet with the register settings for 333MHz DDR3 clock.
    4.) I have tried to run the DDR3 even at 333MHz (PLL_M=9, PLL_D=0), since the minimum frequency of the memories
        is 300MHz, and I get exactly the same behaviour. Operating frequencies below 667MHz, however, would be no problem for
        us in this board version.
    5.) We have placed all memories on the top side. I have attached an image of our PCB with all pads
        (red=top, blue=bottom). The 6678 is located near the center of the PCB between the diagonal holes for the fan
        mounting. The DDR3 memories are arranged in a line right of the DSP, and the termination resistors
        are right of the rightmost memory. Left of the DSP are the CDCE clock synthesizers and below the DSP
        the SmartReflex regulators.

  • Hi again,

    we found a very silly mistake in our schematics (a wrong signal naming) which prevented the DDR3 system from working. After patching the board, the DDR3 runs at least at 333MHz which is sufficient for now. 667MHz does not work, since the routing is quite weird now, but I also have to check the GEL setup for 667MHz, perhaps there is something wrong.

    Thank you very much for your suggestions.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Marcus,

                      We are also currently facing the same sort problem in our customized board. Can you just tell us how you solved the hardware issue. Which will helps us . thanks in advance.


    Avinash N

  • Hi Avinash,

    due to a wrong signal naming in our schematic, some of the bank address pins (BA0..2) were not connected to DSP. This prevented the DDR3 components from being initialized. After patching, we could init the DDRs but the routing of the patches is quite weird so we cannot operate at full speed (400MHz maximum,  we use only 333MHz most times ). Be sure to have the correct settings for the levelling registers. They depend on your physical trace lengths and the operating frequency. Use the xls sheet provided from TI to calculate the correct values. I can send our GEL settings if that helps, but of course you must adapt the level values.

    Hope that helps, good luck.



  • Hi Marcus,

                       Thanks for your immediate response. can you provide the GEL file. I will make the changes in the levelling register as per our routing length.


    Avinash N 

  • Hi Avinash,

    please find attached the section of our GEL file that makes the DDR3 setup. There are 4 initialization functions for different clock speeds. Only one of these functions must be called, in our case for 333Mhz. 400MHz is also stable, but 533 and 667 result in bit errors in our hardware, so I cannot state these settings are correct.



  • Hi Marcus,

                       Thanks for the File and response. We will check with our GEL file.

