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How to invoke IMGLIB & VLIB into dsp Codec engine?

Dear Engineers,

Here i wanna to do something IP & CV algorithms in user defined codec, but the algo is very inefficient, so what i would like do is invoke the IMGLIB & VLIB into the codec. 

Problem comes how t do these within linux xdctool instead of CCS. 

Here is what i add to link the lib in yellow line,

Codes begnning==========================================================================

* ======== DSP target ========
var remarks = " " +
// "-pdr " + // enable remarks
"-pden " + // enumerate remarks
// "-pds=880 " + // variable never referenced
// "-pds=552 " + // variable set but not used
// "-pds=238 " + // controlling expression is constant
"-pds=681 " + // call cannot be inlined
"-pds=452 " + // long long type is not standard
"-pds=195 " + // zero used for undefined preprocessing id (setjmp.h)
"-limglib2_cn.l64P " +
// check for -pds=452 -pds=238 -pds=681

var C64P = xdc.useModule('ti.targets.C64P');
C64P.platform = "ti.platforms.evmDM6446";
C64P.ccOpts.prefix += " --no_compress --mem_model:data=far --disable:sploop" + remarks;

code end==========================================================================

Unluckily, it feedback the error : >> WARNING: invalid compiler option --limglib2_cn.l64P (ignored)

By the way, the include & lib folders has been setup correctly. 

Pls show me some advice how to do it.