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Hi all,
DVRRDK version is 3.5 .
My process:
I got this error message:
216247366:!!!SLAVE CORE [VIDEO-M3] DOWN!!! SystemLink_copySlaveCoreExceptionContext:120 mmap of [0xbe9c0000:36864] mmap virt addresss:0x400ab000 munmap of [0x400ab000:36864] SystemLink_copySlaveCoreExceptionContext:127 SystemLink_handleSlaveCoreException:149
!!EXCEPTION LOCATION : [ti.sysbios.knl.Semaphore: line 204: ]
!!EXCEPTION INFO : [assertion failure: A_badContext: bad calling context. Must be called from a Task.] [m3video] MSGQ:Warning!! Forcing waitAck = TRUE as waitAck = FALSE is not supported.Fix send cmd [0x6000] to linkId [0x10000021 [m3video] 216270247: SYSTEM: Opening MsgQ [VIDEO-M3_MSGQ] ... [m3video] !!!XDC RUNTIME ASSERT FAILED [m3video] xdc.runtime.Error @ ti.sysbios.knl.Semaphore: line 204: [m3video] assertion failure: A_badContext: bad calling context. Must be called from a Task.
How can I solve this problem?
The crash sequence is as below:
-- System_sendLinkCmd
-- System_getSelfProcId
-- System_ipcMsgQSendMsg
-- MessageQ_open
-- Semaphore_pend
--- Crash as Semaphore Pend cannot be invoked from SWI context which is the context from which EncLink_codecPrdCalloutFcn is called.
System_ipcMsgQSendMsg is invoked because
if ((procId != System_getSelfProcId()) && (procId != SYSTEM_PROC_INVALID))
condition occurs in file /dvr_rdk/mcfw/src_bios6/links_common/system/system_linkApi.c
Int32 System_sendLinkCmd(UInt32 linkId, UInt32 cmd)
System_getSelfProcId reads the selfProcId from a static variable and returns it.
Based on the call flow it looks like there is a bit flip in DDR memory causing the crash.
Are you always seeing same assert or do you see random failures. I would expect random failures if it is DDR memory bit flip.
If you have not done any changes in mcfw links looks like there is a board issue which is causing DDR memory corruption.
-- Make sure all the steps in are followed and you have done byte wise s/.w leveling correctly.
-- CHeck if reducing DDR frequency improves stability.
-- Check there is no voltage ripple on DDR 1V constant supply.
-- Do DDR memory stress test for atleast a couple of days on entire memory range.
1.We don't change the MCFW Links,and the steps in we use the default macro to control.
2.our ddr frequency is 796MHZ.
3. The voltage of DDR constant supply is 0.75V
4.The test records are as follows:
[m3video] Unhandled Exception: [m3video] Exception occurred in ThreadType_Task [m3video] handle: 0x9cca054c. [m3video] stack base: 0x3d989440. [m3video] stack size: 0x4000. [m3video] R0 = 0x00000000 R8 = 0xffffffff [m3video] R1 = 0x10000000 R9 = 0xffffffff [m3video] R2 = 0x00000001 R10 = 0xffffffff [m3video] R3 = 0x00000001 R11 = 0xffffffff [m3video] R4 = 0x00000001 R12 = 0x00000001 [m3video] R5 = 0x9cbf5120 SP(R13) = 0x3d996150 [m3video] R6 = 0x00000000 LR(R14) = 0xfffffffd [m3video] R7 = 0x000000b1 PC(R15) = 0x9cc5421a [m3video] PSR = 0x0100000e [m3video] ICSR = 0x00426003 [m3video] MMFSR = 0x00 [m3video] BFSR = 0x00 [m3video] UFSR = 0x0001 [m3video] HFSR = 0x40000000 [m3video] DFSR = 0x00000000 [m3video] MMAR = 0xe000ed34 [m3video] BFAR = 0xe000ed38 [m3video] AFSR = 0x00000000 [m3video] Terminating Execution... 393042445:!!!SLAVE CORE [VIDEO-M3] DOWN!!! SystemLink_copySlaveCoreExceptionContext:120 mmap of [0xbe9c0000:36864] mmap virt addresss:0x4007f000 munmap of [0x4007f000:36864] SystemLink_copySlaveCoreExceptionContext:127 SystemLink_handleSlaveCoreException:149 393042449:!!!SLAVE CORE DOWN!!!.EXCEPTION INFO DUMP !!HW EXCEPTION ACTIVE (0/1): [1] !!EXCEPTION CORE NAME : [VIDEO-M3] !!EXCEPTION TASK NAME : [] !!EXCEPTION LOCATION : [] !!EXCEPTION INFO : [H/W EXCEPTION] !!EXCEPTION CCS CRASH DUMP FORMAT FILE STORED @ ./CCS_CRASH_DUMP_VIDEO-M3.txt
12815240:!!!SLAVE CORE [VIDEO-M3] DOWN!!! SystemLink_copySlaveCoreExceptionContext:120 mmap of [0xbe9c0000:36864] mmap virt addresss:0x40006000 munmap of [0x40006000:36864] SystemLink_copySlaveCoreExceptionContext:127 SystemLink_handleSlaveCoreException:149 12815244:!!!SLAVE CORE DOWN!!!.EXCEPTION INFO DUMP !!HW EXCEPTION ACTIVE (0/1): [1] !!EXCEPTION CORE NAME : [VIDEO-M3] !!EXCEPTION TASK NAME : [IPC_BITS_OUT0] !!EXCEPTION LOCATION : [] !!EXCEPTION INFO : [H/W EXCEPTION] [m3video] Unhandled Exception: [m3video] Exception occurred in ThreadType_Task [m3video] handle: 0x3cf21590. [m3video] stack base: 0x3d8fa3c0. [m3video] stack size: 0x8000. [m3video] R0 = 0x00010158 R8 = 0x00010158 [m3video] R1 = 0x00000000 R9 = 0x3d8c95c8 [m3video] R2 = 0x88888889 R10 = 0x3d8d0e34 [m3video] R3 = 0xffffffff R11 = 0x3d8cc608 [m3video] R4 = 0xfffefea8 R12 = 0x9cc2ebf1 [m3video] R5 = 0x00000000 SP(R13) = 0x3d9021b0 [m3video] R6 = 0xbf40c5d8 LR(R14) = 0x0032302b [m3video] R7 = 0x00000001 PC(R15) = 0x9cc2ebfe [m3video] PSR = 0x81000200 [m3video] ICSR = 0x0440f803 [m3video] MMFSR = 0x00 [m3video] BFSR = 0x00 [m3video] UFSR = 0x0001 [m3video] HFSR = 0x40000000 [m3video] DFSR = 0x00000000 [m3video] MMAR = 0xe000ed34 [m3video] BFAR = 0xe000ed38 [m3video] AFSR = 0x00000000 [m3video] Terminating Execution... !!EXCEPTION CCS CRASH DUMP FORMAT FILE STORED @ ./CCS_CRASH_DUMP_VIDEO-M3.txt SystemLink_handleSlaveCoreException:154
Hi all,
the three crashs have a common point : in the logs "mmap of [0xbe9c0000:",
I think 0xbe9e0000 is a physical address, but I don't know what exactly is that mean.
I guess this address is the source of this problem.
pls check following in dvr_rdk/build/dvr_rdk/bin/ti816x-evm/
name origin length used unused attr fill
---------------------- -------- --------- -------- -------- ---- --------
L2_ROM 00000000 00004000 0000018c 00003e74 RWIX
VIDEO_M3_EXCEPTION_CT be9c0000 00020000 000088bc 00017744 RWIX
the location you said is for saving core dump data when exception happened....
sorry, the above path is for rdk 3.0
for rdk 3.5, it should be ./dvr_rdk/build/dvr_rdk/bin/ti816x-evm/
The address is the exception context address and is unrelated to the actual crash.When a exception occurs the information of processor state like register value is copied to a shared memory location which is mmaped on A8 side and printed. All exceptions will print the mmap of the same address and is unrelated to the actual crash reason. Both the crashes are due to jump to invalid PC values. Considering the previous crash was also due to memory corruption in DDR all seem to be related to DDR issue.This can be a board issue in which case you will have to contact your FAE to get your board layout reviewed.Also have you done byte wise s/w leveling ? You cannot just use the macro values on your board, You should do the s/w leveling procedure and modify the uboot to use the obtained DQS etc, values.Also try with AVS disabled and constant 1.05 V supply to eliminate any issue due to board power supply ripple. Have you tried out running DDR at lower frequency ? Is there a improvement in stability.
Our DDR3 frequency is 1333, but we overclocked to 1600.
I've tested DDR 800 no problem.
Now I'm testing DDR. 1066 and 1350.