I am trying to work though the SYS/BIOS "Hello World" example using a BeagleBoard-XM. I am getting an exception when I run, before it hits the print statement.
[Cortex_A8_0] Exception occurred in ThreadType_Main.
Main handle: 0x0.
Main stack base: 0x8000a830.
Main stack size: 0x1000.
R0 = 0x8000bc04
R8 = 0x00000002
R1 = 0x00000000
R9 = 0x00000001
R2 = 0x600001df
R10 = 0x8000b7cc
R3 = 0x00000000
R11 = 0x0000000e
R4 = 0x49032000
R12 = 0x00000002
R5 = 0x8000be1c
SP(R13) = 0x8000b774
R6 = 0x8000bba4
LR(R14) = 0x80006948
R7 = 0x00000000
PC(R15) = 0x80004e78
PSR = 0x200001df
ti.sysbios.family.arm.exc.Exception: line 176: E_dataAbort: pc = 0x80004e78, lr = 0x80006948.
xdc.runtime.Error.raise: terminating execution
If i trace with the address of the pc i.e. 0x80004e78 in the CCS, what i get is "Can't find a source file at "/db/vtree/library/trees/avala/avala-r20x/src/ti/sysbios/timers/gptimer/Timer.c" Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location."
So, as nearly as I can tell, there is a problem initialing the timers during SYS/BIOS init...?
I selected evm3530 as my RTSC platform, since I couldn't find "beagleboard-xm" in that list.
So... I'm not sure how to proceed with debugging. Do I need to modify my GEL files? Did I select the wrong platform? Any ideas to get me pointed in the right direction?