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Hi everyone!
- Capture format video UYVY;
- Resizer video YUV420 NV12;
- my resolution 736x480;
- my resolution window in swosd 128x96;
How create Y buffer (luma buffer) and UV buffer (chroma buffer)?
My code:
line_offset_y = ( yLinePos * SWOSD_CharWidthLine_128_96 ) + xLinePos;
line_offset_uv = ( yLinePos/2 * SWOSD_CharWidthLine_128_96 ) + xLinePos;
for( yPos = 0; yPos < 24; yPos++ ){
for( xPos = 0; xPos < 24; xPos++ ){
lineBuff_Y[line_offset_y + 0] = 0x29;
line_offset_y += SWOSD_CharWidthLine_128_96 - 24;
for( yPos = 0; yPos < 10; yPos++ ){
for( xPos = 0; xPos < 10; xPos++ ){
lineBuff_UV[line_offset_uv + 27 + xPos] = 0xF0; //Cb
lineBuff_UV[line_offset_uv + 58 + xPos + 1] = 0xF0; //Cr
line_offset_uv += SWOSD_CharWidthLine_128_96 - 10;
My result this code:
Please help me in solving this problem! Thank you in advance.
Hi guys!
... a little clarification to allocation buffer:
cmem_params.type = CMEM_HEAP;
cmem_params.flags = CMEM_NONCACHED;
cmem_params.alignment = 32;
lineBuff_Y = (char *)CMEM_alloc( (SWOSD_CharWidthLine_128_96 * SWOSD_CharHeightLine_128_96), &cmem_params );
memset( lineBuff_Y, 0, (SWOSD_CharWidthLine_128_96 * SWOSD_CharHeightLine_128_96) );
lineBuff_UV = (char *)CMEM_alloc( ((SWOSD_CharWidthLine_128_96 * SWOSD_CharHeightLine_128_96)/2), &cmem_params );
memset( lineBuff_UV, 0, ((SWOSD_CharWidthLine_128_96 * SWOSD_CharHeightLine_128_96)/2) );
... please help me in solving this problem!
Thank you in advance, with respect, Vladimir.