Dear members
I am in charge of HW , and I am checking LCD 18bit interface for 3-Lane LVDS LCD Module.
[Case 1]
H/W was designed for 4-lanes LVDS LCD Module using SN65LVDS93ADGGR.
I think that HW can't support without changing DSS_DATA BUS for 18 bit. ( with lefting open Y3P & Y3M of SN65LVDS93ADGGR)
DISPC_CONTROL Register can be set 18-bit mode.
Can LVDS display normally under 18-bit mode setting(by DISPC_CONTROL)/Open pin(Y3P/Y3M) conditions?
I will change the schematic as below(or attached)
I want to know whether DSS_BUS mapping is correct for 18bit RGB or not .
Is this solution correct?
If yes, Could you inform registers which will be changed for 18-bit interface?
7635.DM3730_LCD Interface_20130613.xlsx