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now I'm working on C6670 EVM PA module in which I have this problem. The setup is:
PC --> sgmii-1 --> host/evm
switch_0 = 00:01:02:03:04:05
sgmii-1 = 20:21:22:23:24:25
For this workaround, I'm currently using PA_emacExample with ALE enabled. This setup enabled UDP packet Tx/Rx from external host (PC) to the EVM. Next, I want to send UDP stream packet from VLC (from PC) to EVM and it seemed that in Wireshark, obviously there's a ARP request which need to be replied by the EVM. So, I need EVM to be able to receive ARP packet (ethertype 0x0806) and forward the packet directly to the host.
On Setup_PASS::Add_MACAddress, I already changed the ethertype on paEthInfo_t ethInfo to 0x0806 and to ignore the MAC address of ARP request source (00:00:00:00:00:00). For the destination MAC address of the ARP request, statically set on 00:01:02:03:04:05 instead of broadcast FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF so that the packet will behave likely the UDP ones. We can say that the ARP request packet have a same MAC header with the UDP packet successfully ran before.
For paRouteInfo_t routeInfo, also I already set the packet route directly to host (pa_DEST_HOST) instead of LUT1 parsing.
I just want this packet triggers the interrupt like normal UDP packet did. When the ISR being called, i will send the ARP reply.
Looking forward for any suggestion and solution.
Hi Eric,
sorry for late response.
And yeah, I've just check it a moment ago and it won't work on normal UDP. The packet needs to be forwarded to LUT1 (IPv4 parse).
So, what workaround you are suggesting then?
In addition for this, I can't receive the packet from external host if I don't add correspond switch MAC address to ALE table. The default config for PA_emacExample for non loopback mode doesn't configure it, so I need to change it a little bit. No problem though, for Tx process. Without adding MAC to ALE, ext host with Wireshark still be able to receive packet from EVM. I'll be glad to hear some insight about this from anyone.
Thank you and regards,
In no loopback mode, first check if the switch of 6678 EVM can receive packets, you can look at the memory 0x2090b00 and 0x2090c00 range, those registers are explained in table 3-2 of
Then, what is the destination MAC address your external device sent to DSP, you can find it via Wireshark. In the pa_mgmt.c, there is a function called Add_MACAddress(), the line:
{ 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15 },
/* Dest mac */
should match the dst MAC sent from your external device. Otherwise, PA will discard it.
Regards, Eric
Hi Eric,
thanks for the reply. I'll try it right away and comeback ASAP.
Since you're recommend me to check the mem address. Does the address will be the same between C6670 and C6678? I'm using PDK
Allright, so here is the result.
Now, I can transmit and receive packet between EVM and PC without using ALE. Some changes from the default PA_emacExample:
- (I had to enable ALE Bypass on cpsw_mgmt.c::Init_Switch even though I'm using non_loopback).
//if(cpswLpbkMode != CPSW_LOOPBACK_NONE)
- On pa_mgmt.c::Setup_PASS::Add_MACAddress, had to comment these lines because as you say, I want the PA to forward packet with dest address of packet (PC to EVM) 10:11:12:13:14:15, not 00:01:02:03:04:05.
if(cpswLpbkMode == CPSW_LOOPBACK_NONE)
memcpy(ethInfo.dst, srcMac, sizeof(srcMac));
Now, back to the first problem, I still can't forward the UDP packet directly to host (pa_DEST_HOST instead of pa_DEST_CONTINUE_PARSE_LUT1). Obviously, Ithis problem need to be solved before continuing the ARP request workaround.
Thank you and regards, Aditya
Yes, the address for C6670 and C6678 are the same.
I don't see any reason you can't forward the UDP directly to host, in Add_MACAddress() function,
routeInfo = { pa_DEST_CONTINUE_PARSE_LUT1, =====> did you change this to pa_DEST_HOST already?
Another question, suppose you keep this as pa_DEST_CONTINUE_PARSE_LUT1, In Add_IPAddress()====>
paIpInfo_t ipInfo = { { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, /* IP source = dont care */
{ 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x01, 0xa, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, ===========================>if you match this to you incoming packets
/* IP dest */
And in function Add_port()====>ports = {0x5678}; ==========> if you match this to your incoming UDP port
Will your host receive the UDP packets via L2/L3/L4 classification?
Regards, Eric
Hi Eric,
The example is working well with this config:
+ routeInfo on Add_MACAddress = {pa_DEST_CONTINUE_PARSE_LUT1, ...}
+ routeInfo on Add_IPAddress = {default}
+ port on Add_Port = {0x5678}, routeInfo on Add_Port = {pa_DEST_HOST, ...}
I can send and receiving raw UDP packets at the same time with the external host (my PC). Since the packet triggered the ISR, then we can assume that UDP pass the L2/L3/L4 classification. But, the problem still exists, in which I can't send the packet directly to EVM's host by putting pa_DEST_HOST on Add_MACAddress' routeInfo instead of pa_DEST_CONTINUE_PARSE_LUT1, Does this problem have something to do with the queue for the Rx Flow? Any wonder? I'm trying to check and learn more about the queue for Rx Flow for this example then.
Thank you and regards, Aditya
i want to ask a little about these commented doxygen lines:
* @ingroup palld_api_structures
* @brief Packet routing configuration
* @details paRouteInfo_t is used to specify the physical routing of packets out of the packet accelerator
* sub-system. Not all fields are required for all destinations.
* @li pa_DEST_DISCARD: none
* @li pa_DEST_CONTINUE_PARSE_LUT2: customType, customIndex
* @li pa_DEST_HOST: flowId, queue, mRoutehandle, swInfo0, cmd
* @li pa_DEST_SASS: flowId, queue, swInfo0, swInfo1, cmd
* @li pa_DEST_ETH: emacCtrl
* @li pa_DEST_SRIO: flowId, queue, swInfo0, swInfo2, pktType
Does it mean that I have to configure flowId, queue, mRoutehandle, swInfo0 and cmd if I want to use pa_DEST_HOST as my next route?
These are the STATSA (port0) and STATSB (port1 and port2) register result. I've sent 4 UDP packets from PC to EVM (RJ45 connected port --> port2).
Looking at the STATSA and STATSB, the RXGOODFRAMES for those two STATS were same (4). But why there is a difference on RXMULTICASTFRAMES received on port0 (0x02090B08) and port2 (0x02090C08)? FYI, still the packet won't trigger the interrupt. But, since the RXGOODFRAMES was counted to 4, does it mean that the packet actually arrived at accumulator?
On Setup_PASS, I only use Add_MACAddress(). I ignored Add_IPAddress() as well as Add_Port(). On Add_MACAddress(), all route destination were pa_DEST_HOST, from routeInfo, nFailInfo and cmdReplyInfo.
The issue is related to Rx queue.
In the L2/L3/L4 working case in PA,
/* Setup the Rx queue as destination for the packets */
rxQInfo =Qmss_getQueueNumber (gRxQHnd);
queue = rxQInfo.qNum;
flowId = (uint8_t)Cppi_getFlowId(gRxFlowHnd);
Then, they are configured by Pa_addPort().
Now, since you only use PA for L2 match and forward the packets to host directly. There is no configuration in
Pa_addMac (gPAInstHnd,
You need set-up Rx queue (the above code) before calling Pa_addMac().
Regards, Eric
Eric, It works. Now I can directly send the packet to host after L2, even though I had to change (making these param have same value with Add_Port's),
routeInfo.mRouteIndex = -1;
routeInfo.swInfo0 = 0xaaaaaaaa;
Thank you for the helps and regards,
Would you please send me the working code that you have tried as I am also dealing with the same issue.
I am trying to send packets from PC to EVM.The packets are seen in Gbe switch Stats register but it is not recieved at host port 0.We are using polling method for recieving packets.We are concentrating on filtering based on MAC address only.
Please share ur inputs.
Hi, Yanuar.
If the problem was solved? I have a same open issue: can Tx/Rx UDP regular packeges(ethtype = 0x0800) via ISR , but not ARP (ethtype = 0x0806).
ISR just not triggered.
If you have a solution, I'll be glad to talk about.