I am trying to create a driver that connects a digital microphone the ADMP441 to the DM3730. The ADMP441 uses an I2S interface. I assumed that I could create a very simplified driver that would the ADMP441 like a 1 function sound card. I could then map that "ADMP441" sound card to the MCBSP3 DAI. The ADMP441 needs a SCK signal. I assumed I could get the I2S clock going on the MCBSP3 pins then drive the ADMP441 from those pins.
Unfortunately I am either doing something wrong or am completely off on my approach. I never see any clock signals on the MCBSP3 pins.
I have seen some posts about this microphone unfortunately I am not seeing anyone making any headway on getting this implemented.
How does one get the MCBSP3 configured to use the I2 interface for an external device? Any examples ?
This is my pin configuration for the DM3730
static void setup_mcbsp3_mux(void)
omap_mux_init_signal("mcbsp3_clkx.mcbsp3_clkx", OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT);
omap_mux_init_signal("mcbsp3_dr.mcbsp3_dr", OMAP_PIN_INPUT);
omap_mux_init_signal("mcbsp3_fsx.mcbsp3_fsx", OMAP_PIN_OUTPUT);
Any help would be appreciated.