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I think I am missing something obvious. I have downloaded the SDK & source to build on a Linux box the kernel for my omap 5432 board. (However, I have not tested it yet.) The purpose of this was to compile in CONFIG_USB_SERIAL support. Currently, on the target using the pre-built kernel, I do a "zcat /proc/config.gz | grep USB_SERIAL" and get "CONFIG_USB_SERIAL is not set". I believe this is why when I plug in a USB G_SERIAL DEVICE I do not get a /dev/ttyUSBx device on this omap 5432 board. So now I am trying to compile in the CONFIG_USB_SERIAL support using the "make config" command. This does not work. So I tried the "make menuconfig" command. This does not work either. Both times the make program says it does not know how to make the target "menuconfig".
Any help would be appreciated.
The quick answer to my own post is to change to the Linux sub directory where you can execute a "make menuconfig". But I am not sure this is the correct way to do this. My assumption is that this should work in the root directory and that I have left something out of my build machine that allows for this to work as I had originally expected.
To rebuild your kernel you need to properly set your build environment, as described in GLSDK software developers guide. This means you need to export all variables:
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=<path to your gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.7-2013.03-20130313_linux cross compiler>/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-
export PATH= <path to your gcc-linaro-arm-linux-gnueabihf-4.7-2013.03-20130313_linux cross compiler>/bin:$PATH
then you should go to the ti-glsdk_omap5-uevm_6_03_00_01 folder (if you have followed the defaults when installig GLSDK the folder should be $HOME/ti-glsdk_omap5-uevm_6_03_00_01) and run:
~/ti-glsdk_omap5-uevm_6_03_00_01# make linux_clean
~/ti-glsdk_omap5-uevm_6_03_00_01# make linux
~/ti-glsdk_omap5-uevm_6_03_00_01# make linux_install
The above sequence will build your linux kernel and kernel modules and copy them to $HOME/install folder (see )
GLSDK is a yocto based linux distribution. In order to properly make changes in your kernel configuration it is recommended to add the cofnigs you'd like directly in ompa2plus_defconfig file, located in ti-glsdk_omap5-uevm_6_03_00_01/board-support/linux/arch/arm/configs folder.
Best Regards,
Your instructions help a lot. I have been able to make the kernel and modules and they appear to be working well. However, I have not been able create a kernel with serial support when I run "make linux" at the root ($GLSDK) directory.
I can create a kernel with USB serial support when I run "make" in the $GLSDK/board-support/linux directory after running "make menuconfig" in the same directory where I added USB serial support.
"GLSDK is a yocto based linux distribution. In order to properly make changes in your kernel configuration it is recommended to add the cofnigs you'd like directly in ompa2plus_defconfig file, located in ti-glsdk_omap5-uevm_6_03_00_01/board-support/linux/arch/arm/configs folder."
So I am thinking I need to copy the missing USB serial lines from $GLSDK/board-support/linux/.config to $GLSDK/board-support/linux/arch/arm/configs/omap2plus_defconfig?? That doesn't sound right to me. The .config file is ~85K bytes while the omap2plus_defconfig is only ~9K bytes.
What you can do is:
1. Add CONFIG_USB_SERIAL=y to your omap2plus_defconfig file and then run the procedure to build your kernel (make linux; make linux_install from $GLSDK folder)
2. Go to $GLSDK/board-support/linux and inside that folder and execute
a) make omap2plus_defconfig
this command will generate the .config file. Then open that .config and add CONFIG_USB_SERIAL=y & save the file.
b) then from $GLSDK/board-support/linux folder run make uImage
This should build your kernel with the change CONFIG_USB_SERIAL=y that you require.
Best Regards,