Our board has an OMAP L138 with mDDR. For a number of reasons, we'd like to be able to lower the clock speed of the mDDR while running (and hence while potentially accessing the memory). This will involve changing the speed of PLL1 and PLL1_SYSCLK1, as well as the timing parameters in SDRCR, SDTIMR1, and SDTIMR2. Here is the procedure I believe I should follow:
1. Adjust SDRCR for the PLL bypass clock rate
2. Adjust PLL1 and PLL1_SYSCLK1 speed
4. Adjust SDTIMR1 and SDTIMR2
5. Adjust SDRCR for the lower mDDR clock speed
My question is, will the changes I make to SDTIMR1 and SDTIMR2 take effect without resetting the DDR controller? Because since the board is running, there may be accesses to memory, which I assume means that I can't reset the DDR controller.