We are trying to track down an issue affecting our use of the McASP peripheral on the L138 from the DSP processor.
The overall system has two external CODECs, an AIC3204 and AIC34, and a bespoke device attached to two PCM highways. The clock master is the AIC3204 and the McASP peripheral is configured to use the external clock.
The SYS/BIOS driver is used to access the McASP with a DEV_CREATE call to use the device and the GIO API to create the two streams representing the two PCM highways.
BCLK is 2MHz and WCLK/FSYNC is 8Khz. 12 slots of the 32 TDM slots are used. All slots are 16bit.
The dsp's role is to take the content of slots on one "incoming" PCM highway, mix the audio in the slots, and then output the mix on slots on the "outgoing" PCM highway.
The issue observed is:
a) boot-up L138 and from Linux load the dsp image. All mix audio is correct - i.e. incoming and outgoing audio is in the correct slots.
b) without rebooting the L138, reload the dsp image. The incoming audio is now rotated by exactly one slot. Ie. Audio which should be heard on slot zero is now at slot one, and so on. However outgoing data is on the correct slots.
Very occasionally, on a reboot the problem outline in b) is observed.
Before dumping configuration data into the forum I'd like to check that this is the correct forum for posing this question.
Thank you.