In my project I need to do the software emulation of SPI.
I use the pins16 (GPIO8-12), 20(GPIO8-10), 40(SPI1_SCSn_1) and 44(SPI1_SCSn_0) for SPI emulations and 2 and 26 for VDD and GND of expansion connector J15 for this purpose. These signals, 3V3 and GND are connected with my breadboard, where are isolated using digital isolator ADuM1400. I had issues with correct function of that pins. After some time begin my application to behave strange I find out, that it is because one of pins used is defect. I buy another LCDK and tried again. It works, but after some times the pin issue happens again but with other pin. I buy another one and now I find out, that the the pin 2(VDD) copy the signal from pin 20 (GPIO8_12).
I used A5 and A6 versions of LCDK.
Does somebody have the some issues with pins of J15?
If so, where was the problem and what was the solution?
How can I use pins of J15 correctly?
Do you have an idea where to find layout of components of C6748 LCDK? on wiki was just schematics and gerber files, but for problem analysis it is good to have a components layout on LCDK in .pdf too.
Thanks for your answers, I attached the realized scheme and the picture of connection (the important part is the connection with LCDK).
Petr Duga