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help with c6713 and matlab 2014a

Hi there,

This semester we have to work with CCS5 and Matlab 2014a for C6713 board in Windows 7.

I am working on Echo_control project from the book "Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK". 

I have created the simulation model in Matlab as shown below

I have changed the simulation configuration parameters as required. But I got the following error as shown below,

Please help me.

Thanks and Regards,


  • Hi Vanitha,

    This is device specific forum intended to ask questions on C67X devices. For simulation queries please post it to CCS forum.

    Alternatively, you will find echo control as a tutorial project for DSK C6713 ( Search in TI WIKI pages/ or you will find it at

    Using CCS, you can import the echo control project and try it out.





    Please click the Verify Answer button on this post if it answers your question.

  • Hi Shankari,

    Thank you for your reply. I have posted my query in CCS forum . I will also try to import the project and will post if it works.

    It would be great if  you could provide me the link for echo control tutorial. I tried to look from the links you provided but couldn't find it.

    Thanks and Regards,


  • Hi Vanitha,

    We are not released "echo control" project examples so sorry we don't have links for that.

    Attach your example code and will try to work with CCS and we do help on make it work.

  • Hi Stalin ,

    As you can see I have attached my simulink model in the post, I am reposting it below,

    I am working with CCS5 and Matlab 2014a for C6713 board on Windows7.

    I was able to integrate matlab and CCS5 using this xmakefilesetup which is shown below,

    After this setup, I got the following error,

    It says that couldnot open CSL_cache.h file. But I can't understand how to link this particular file in Matlab.

    Please help me.



  • Hi Vanitha,

    As Shankari mentioned at the below thread.

    You have issues with building the "echo control" project so, first try to build and run through CCS alone and then go with integration of other stuffs.

    You surely would get the "could not open CSL_cache.h file." error when you build the "echo control" CCS project on CCS,

    While you building the CCS project, you have to provide the libraries and include path as per your project location,

  • Hi Stalin,

    I was able to build echo_control in CCS with no error, but I did get some warnings regarding function declared implicitly. But I didn't get desired output. I was able to open sliders, but no output.

    Here I have my echo_control.c and echo_control.gel file attached 



    menuitem "echo control"


    slider gain(0,18,1,1,gain_parameter)


      gain = gain_parameter*0.05;



    slider delay(1,20,1,1,delay_parameter)


      buflength = delay_parameter*100;


    //echo_control.c echo with variable delay and feedback

    #include "DSK6713_AIC23.h"                    // codec support

    Uint32 fs=DSK6713_AIC23_FREQ_8KHZ;          // set sampling rate

    #define DSK6713_AIC23_INPUT_MIC 0x0015

    #define DSK6713_AIC23_INPUT_LINE 0x0011

    Uint16 inputsource=DSK6713_AIC23_INPUT_MIC; // select input


    #define MAX_BUF_SIZE 8000       // this sets maximum length of delay

    float gain = 0.5;

    short buflength = 1000;

    short buffer[MAX_BUF_SIZE];     // storage for previous samples

    short input,output,delayed;

    int i = 0;                      // index into buffer


    interrupt void c_int11()          // interrupt service routine


      input = input_left_sample();  // read new input sample from ADC

      delayed = buffer[i];          // read delayed value from buffer

      output = input + delayed;     // output sum of input and delayed values


      buffer[i] = input + delayed*gain; // store new input and a fraction

                                    // of the delayed value in buffer

      if(++i >= MAX_BUF_SIZE)       // test for end of buffer

        i = MAX_BUF_SIZE - buflength;

      return;                       // return from ISR



    void main()


      for(i=0 ; i<MAX_BUF_SIZE ; i++)   // clear buffer

        buffer[i] = 0;

      comm_intr();                  // init DSK, codec, McBSP

      while(1);                     //infinite loop

    And I have downloaded the C6713 files from from Donald.

    Please let me know if any further details required.




  • Hi Stalin,

    I didn't get any build errors for echo_control project.

    But I couldn't get any ouput for echo_control. Please guide me.




  • Hi Vanitha,

    I've downloaded the C6713 DSP project where you downloaded.

    That code seems to be 'sine' wave generation(

    Is that you are looking for ?

    Your code looks like loopback the audio from MIC to waveform so, please check waveform in graph option.

    Where did you download the "echo_control.c" code ?

  • Hi Titus,

    I have downloaded the echo_control.c from the CD given by the book  "Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK". 

    I have attached the copy of my project

    And here are the original example files from the book which we are working on\

    Please let me know if any further details required.

    Thanks and Regards,


  • Titus,

    As per CCS v3.3, when we ran echol_control.pjt, we used to hear a echo with slider option , where we can change amplitude and fade the signal. But When I ran the same project in CCS v5, I don't see or hear any output.

