Regarding the C6748:
Is the clock for SPI0 (Serial Peripheral Interface 0) tied to the clock for Shared RAM, and DDR2/mDDR?
Here is my issue: I need to greatly slow down the SPI0 clock so it can talk to a particularly slow external device. (Even when I maximize SPI0's prescaler (frequency divider =255), the frequency is still too high.) So it looks like I have to reduce its system clock (PLL0_SYSCLK2) in order to get SPI0 to clock at a low enough frequency. The problem is, this same clock -- PLL0_SYSCLK2 -- ALSO controls the speed of memory accesses, such as Shared RAM and DDR2/mDDR, thereby greatly slowing them down too. I am reading this interpretation from the TI TMS320C6748 DSP System Reference Guide (sprugj7d.pdf), page 58, Table 6-1, System Clock Domains, and page 59, Figure 6-1, Overall Clocking Diagram. Am I correct in my understanding? (That seems like an odd clocking interaction...)
Is there a way around this clocking problem?
[Note: It appears from the above references that the other SPI interface -- SPI1 -- doesn't have this weird clock interaction, So perhaps using SPI1 (instead of SPI0) could offer a solution. However, it is not yet clear to me whether SPI1 is available when using the the LogicPD TMS320C6748 EVM board with its user interface board attached -- as in my circumstance.]
Thanks for your help.