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sample code for HEAP tracking

Guru 15510 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SYSBIOS

I want to know how to track the heap size dynamically.
I know there are ROV debug tool which will display heap max size and peak average.
But I want to realize the tracking of heap size from the program.
Is there BIOS API for tracking the heap size which can be call from the program?

I guess HeapTrack API can be used, but I want sample program which using this API.

best regards,

  • Hi g.f.,

    Yes, you can use HeapTrack to assert on invalid heap usage at runtime. Here's a code snippet I found that uses it to detect a Memory_free call with an invalid size:

    In the .cfg file:


    var HeapMem  = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.heaps.HeapMem');

    var HeapTrack = xdc.useModule('ti.sysbios.heaps.HeapTrack');

    var heapMemParams = new HeapMem.Params;

    heapMemParams.size = 512;

    heapMemParams.align = 8;

    var memHeap = HeapMem.create(heapMemParams);

    var heapTrackParams = new HeapTrack.Params;

    heapTrackParams.heap = memHeap; = HeapTrack.create(heapTrackParams);

    In the .c file:

    Void main()


       Task_create(task0Fxn, NULL, NULL);

       System_printf("HeapTrack test started.\n");




    *  ======== task0Fxn ========


    Void task0Fxn(UArg arg0, UArg arg1)


       Ptr buf;

       IHeap_Handle heap;

       heap = HeapTrack_Handle_upCast(task0Heap);

       System_printf("Free wrong size\n");

       /* print initial heap status */


       /* allocate block from heap2 and free with a wrong size */

       buf = Memory_alloc(heap, TASK1BUFSIZE2, 0, NULL);

       Memory_free(heap, buf, TASK1BUFSIZE2 / 2);

       /* print heap0 status */


       System_printf("Task0 Complete\n");



    static Void printHeapStats(IHeap_Handle heap)


       Memory_Stats stats;

       Memory_getStats(heap, &stats);

       System_printf("largestFreeSize = %d\n", stats.largestFreeSize);

       System_printf("totalFreeSize = %d\n", stats.totalFreeSize);

       System_printf("totalSize = %d\n", stats.totalSize);



    In addition, note that depending on what you want to achieve, the Memory_getStats API can be called directly on any IHeap instance to retrieve the heap's info programmatically.

    Best regards,


  • Hi Vincent,

    Thank you for the reply and the sample code.
    I will try the code.

    best regards,