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Remote Display Prob in Win CE?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OMAPL138, OMAP-L138


 Am right now trying to connect the remote display in my pc. i am using omapL138 EVM kit with win ce6.0. i can able to do all the things only i cant able to see my device when i run cerdisp or cerhost. i cant unable to solve or find the problem. am using kitl as transport and server.i can able to attach the device.i can get the bin image.but the image is not displaying. can any body help to solve my prob.


  • Vinoth,

    On the device, did you type "cerdisp -c" or "start cerdisp -c"? Without the "-c" option, the application waits for some response. If you are using target control window, you might have to do "s cerdisp -c"

    Running cerhost on the PC is the correct thing to do.

    You would then need to connect to EVM using File->Connect in the remote desktop application.



  • Thanks Aparna,


    I cant able to see my device when i run cerdisp or cerhost. even though i checked with the target control. its not working. tell me what may the problem. i want to get my remote display to work. Pls find the way and tell to get RD to work.


    My image is copying upto that its working fine.



  • Vinoth,

    Since it is not clear from your mail whether kitl is working or  not, could you confirm the same?

    A few ways to confirm that kitl connection is working are:

    1. When you open a target control window (and hit enter), are you getting the WindowsCE> prompt back?

    2. From Platform builder->target-remote tools, are you able to access any of the tools (example, file viewer or system information)?

    3. KITL-related debug messages on serial port

    4. Image startup (drivers loading, etc.) messages on platform builder output window

    If kitl is up and running, you may want to confirm that the BSP_DISPLAY_CER variable is set in the batch file (freon.bat) using set BSP_DISPLAY_CER=1

    or that the NULL display driver is included in the catalog under -> Device Drivers / Display / NULL. If not, you would have to enable the same and rebuild the solution.



  • Aparna


    1.I cant able get any thing from file viewer or system information.i just checked the default device and ok . nothing happening.

    2.i can able to copy when i click target->attach device. after copying nothing happening.

    3.Pls tell clearly what i want to change bec im the beginner to this win ce.

    4. When i run s cerdisp -c in target control no change it comes to the next line.i gave bsp_dsiplay_cer=1.




  • Vinoth,

    Let us see why kitl is not working on your setup.

    I am assuming you are using a release build. You can confirm that by going to Project->Properties->General->(click on) Configuration Manager-> Active Solution configuration should be release

    Then, Project->Properties->Build Options should have KITL enabled (Enable KITL checked). If not, enable and rebuild BSP and subprojects.

    If Kitl is enabled in the build as mentioned above, go to Target->Connectivity Option.

    From Target Device pull-down, confirm that the correct device name is selected. If your device name is not present in the pull-down, please add using "Add Device" option for the left side menu. Device name is printed on teraterm console when device is booting up and getting DHCP address. It will be of the form OMAPL138-xxxxx

    Once you select the device, please ensure you have configured "Ethernet" as the transport and download options. Now, click on the download option and power up device. You should see the device name populated along with the IP address. Click on device name and click OK.

    Now, click attach device, power up board, and when image comes up see if kitl works (as mentioned in my previous post). My guess is once kitl works, you should have your remote desktop working without any issues.



  • Aparna

    1.The kitl is already enabled in my project .i did the all the changes which you mentioned above. But still i cant able to see my device in the cerdisp or cerhost .

    2.Now i am facing another problem i run the same tera term with all the necessary details.But now am not getting tjhe BOOT ME mess is not coming the error which is displaying is


    OMAP-L138 initialization passed!
    Booting TI User Boot Loader
            UBL Version: 1.65
            UBL Flashtype: SPI
    Starting SPI Memory Copy...
    Valid magicnum, 0x55424CBB, found at offset 0x00010000.
    Jumping to entry point at 0xC7F60000.
    Microsoft Windows CE Bootloader Common Library Version 1.4 Built Mar 28 2010 20:54:28
    INFO:OALLogSetZones: dpCurSettings.ulZoneMask: 0xb
    Microsoft Windows CE EBOOT 1.0 for OMAPL13x Freon EVM. Built Mar 28 2010 at 20:57:00
    BSP version 1.0.0, SOC version 1.0.0
       CODE : 0xC7F60000 -> 0xC7FA0000
       DATA : 0xC7FA0000 -> 0xC7FE0000
      STACK : 0xC7FE0000 -> 0xC8000000
    Enabled OAL Log Zones :  ERROR, WARN, INFO,
    Platform Init**
    System ready!
    Preparing for download...
    Valid boot configuration found
    INFO: MAC Address specified in configuration, writing to device
    INFO: MAC address: 00:08:ee:03:b0:11
    WARN: Invalid BSP_ARGS data found (using defaults)
    WARN: Unable to get hardware entropy

    Hit space to enter configuration menu  0
    MAC addr is 0:8:ee:3:b0:11.
    OMAPEmacInit: f_pEmacRxDesc = 0x1e20000
    OMAPEmacInit: f_pEmacTxDesc = 0x1e21000
    OMAPEmacInit: waiting for active phy...
    OMAPEmacInit: f_pMdioRegs->m_Alive = 0x1
    INFO: Boot device uses MAC 00:08:ee:03:b0:11
    WARN: BLEthDownload set Device ID to OMAPL138-45073
    InitDHCP():: Calling ProcessDHCP()

    DHCP server is not responding !!! Aborting.
    ERROR: EbootInitEtherTransport call failed

    I gave this ip address in my lan4( usb to serial) and in tera term i gave and same sub net mask and ip router is also same.May i know what will be the problem. pls tell i checked in the net no solution for dis.




  • Vinoth,

    Not sure about the problem with DHCP - I have not seen this issue. You could try configuring static IP address. You would also need to ensure that platform.reg entry for VMINI/Parms/Tcpip/ are configured for static.

    Regarding 1, kitl needs to be working fine for being able to proceed with remote display. So, please make sure that you are able to get to target control window and get a prompt back after hitting enter, etc (as in earlier post).

    Could you make sure your eboot settings have VMini enabled? Could you send the eboot settings?

    I am assuming Remote Display Application catalog entry is enabled under CoreOS Services/Debugging Tools

    If kitl is still an issue, you can enable telnet, disable kitl, enable the NDIS driver (please ensure platform.reg entry for the emac interface has the right DHCP enabled/disabled setting as the case maybe) under third party/device drivers/ and rebuild solution. You can then telnet to the platform and run the command for remote display (cerdisp -c)

    When you run the cerhost.exe on the PC, do you see your device on the connect-> list?



  • Aparna


    I had solved the Boot me problem. Thank you lot .But i cant able to get the remote display i tell the steps wich i done


    1.Enabled the Kitl in tera term , and also project--->properties-->confg prop-->Build--> enable kitl,


    2.In target -->remote tools-->file viewer-->default device cancel and go to that properties i set transport as kitl and server also as boot strap server. i dont know the connection whichi gave is correct or not  .. Can you tell ?


    3.If i run the cerhost.exe am not able to see my device to connect . Can you provide the solution for this problem to get my RD to work..


    4. ya i enabled the remote display in r CoreOS Services/Debugging Tools and i also enabled the vmini in boot settings.





  • Vinoth,

    Some follow-up questions from your post: 

    1.Enabled the Kitl in tera term , and also project--->properties-->confg prop-->Build--> enable kitl,

     >> did you do a build BSP and subprojects after this step?

    >> if so, did you verify that kitl is working based on checkpoints mentioned in previous post?

    2.In target -->remote tools-->file viewer-->default device cancel and go to that properties i set transport as kitl and server also as boot strap server. i dont know the connection whichi gave is correct or not  .. Can you tell ?

     >> please add new device (your device name) as mentioned in my previous post

    3.If i run the cerhost.exe am not able to see my device to connect . Can you provide the solution for this problem to get my RD to work..

     >> this will work only if kitl is working. alternately, please try telnet (kitl disabled) as mentioned in BSP quick start or user guide.

    4. ya i enabled the remote display in r CoreOS Services/Debugging Tools and i also enabled the vmini in boot settings.





  • Also, please not the following lines from batch file to resolve any conflict in the remote display selections if you are setting the BSP_DISPLAY_CER to 1.

    @REM Enable the following to include the Remote Display Application
    @REM (CERDISP) and have it running in 640 x 480 mode on startup.
    @REM Note that you should not select the Remote Display Application
    @REM or any display driver from the catalog when using this option.

  • Aparna


    I did the steps which you are mentioned i tried and put my effort together to  get the RD to work .and now its working because of the ideas which you given i did my task. Really heartful thanks to you specially aparna.

    And my next task


    i want  to clone a bsp and test whether the cloned bsp to  work.

    1.when i did the cloned bsp i build the cloned bsp. But it indicates some error but i can see my device in target connectivity options .

    2.But i cant able to attach the device its telling that it  cant able to locate the nk.bin path


    3.Tell me how the nk .bin is created . want to know after the compilation or when attaching the device. explain it clearly..

    4  I clearly changed in config manager and choose make  run time image and i selected copy the files to the release directory. Can you tell how to rectify the problem.and i enable kitl vmini all enabled .




  • Vinoth,

    Glad that you were successful with getting the remote display to work.

    The nk.bin has not been generated due to the build errors. You will need to look at your build.log in WINCE600 folder to see the reasons for the build failure.

    Also, if you have further queries on the build issue, you might want to start a separate thread for easier tracking.

