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AM437x USB HUB Design

My cusotomer is designing AM437x USB Host + USB Hub system from following informations.
- Wiki
- e2e USB interface
- e2e USB host without VBUS and DRVVBUS
- e2e USB Host with USBHUB operation

The block block diagram is like follows.

AM437x.USB1 is USB Host and AM437x.USB0 is used for USB Device although USB0 is not on block diagram.
+5D is source power for VBUS of Port1,2,3.
+5D2 is source power for VBUS of Port4
+5D and +5D2 have no relation each other.
AM437x.USB1.DRVVBUS and AM437x.USB1.VBUS can manage +5D but can not manage +5D2.

Is this design OK ? or what should be applied for good design ?

Takeshi Matsuzaki

  • Hi,

    This should work. If your customer requires a schematic review, you can request it through local TI FAE.
  • Please ensure that the 5D2 rail is active/stable prior to assertion of DRVVBUS.

    Most (all?) hubs have a VBUS_DETECT pin. This should be connected to the output of the power switch controlled by DRVVBUS. Please note that in some cases this is a 3.3V input to the hub so a voltage translator or R-divider from 5V may be needed here.

  • Hi DK,
    Thanks for good suggestion.

    > Please ensure that the 5D2 rail is active/stable prior to assertion of DRVVBUS.

    OK, My customer ensures +5D2 is active/stable prior to assertion of DRVVBUS.

    By the way, he noticed that the Power SW driven by AM437x.USB_DRVVBUS1 should be big one(500mA+500mA+500mA..).
    So he add some changes to the circuit like follows.

    +5D goes to the Power SW of Port1,2,3 straight.
    Power SW1 drives USB1_VBUS and power source of USB_HUB, so Power SW1 could be small.
    The Power SW of Port1,2,3 is enabled by USB HUB and USB HUB start to work after USB_DRVVBUS1enables the Power SW1.
    Of course +5D2 comes befor +5D.

    Is this OK??

    Takeshi Matsuzaki.

  • I agree, this is a better circuit topology. They may be able to use a simple two FET discrete circuit for SW1 since there is no requirement to limit current for this on-board USB port.

    Please refer to the following E2E post for an example of this circuit.

  • Paul, DK,
    Thanks a lot. My customer satisfied with your help.

    Takeshi Matsuzaki