1) I understand CCStudio IDE Rev. 4.0 is comming with C5535/C5545 eZdsp USB Stick Development Ki but CCStudio IDE Rev. 4.0 is just supported on Windows 7 so What I need to do if I want to work with C5535/C5545 eZdsp USB Stick Development Kit in Windows 10 ?
2) Can I install CCStudio IDE Rev. 4.0 is comming with C5535/C5545 eZdsp USB Stick Development Kit in Windows 10 then upgrade to CCStudio IDE Rev. 6.1.3 which is supported in Windows 10 ? if I can do it, will I need to pay a new license to use CCStudio IDE Rev. 6.1.3 ? how can I upgrade from CCStudio IDE Rev. 4.0 to CCStudio IDE Rev. 6.1.3 ?