We are planning to use OMAP-L138 for a third party certified product. To attend certification requirements, we need to ensure a secured boot solution with asymmetric encrypted signature.
A symetric key policy (AES-128) is not suitable for us, because the certification office signs the developed firmware with their private key and provide us only the public key to ensure the secure boot of the certified devices.
I noted that there is a RSA option on INI configuration file for SecureHexAIS tool, as below. However it is not present on the processor documentation (TMS320C674x/OMAP-L1x Processor Security - User's Guide).
; Binary file containing RSA key info (public and private) for custom secure device ; Can be in PEM/DER format (OpenSSL), or XML format (Mono or .Net Framework)
rsaKeyFileName=The filename (relative to path program executes from) to the private RSA key needed to generate the load module signature (only applies to CUSTOM secure devices).
Is it possible to use RSA asymmetric key to sign OMAP-L1x images?
How could we use a asymmetric key policy to sign images and secure boot the OMAP-L1x?