Hi Sir
we used memory_test project in K1_STK_v1.1 package to do memory test on our customized Board. And the test result is passed.
And we modify the definition as below
#define DDR_ECC_ENABLE 0 -> 1
there was one compiler issue happened and we tracked the code as below
DDR_quick_test() -> Memory_Fill_Test() -> WritebackInvalidCache() -> CACHE_wbInvL2() -> Exception
Log message is listed as below
[C66xx_0] JTAG ID= 0x1009e02f. This is C6678/TCI6608 device, version variant = 1.
DEVSTAT= 0x00015801. little endian, No boot or EMIF16(NOR FLASH) or UART boot, PLL configuration implies the input clock for core is 100MHz.
SmartReflex VID= 63, required core voltage= 1.104V.
Die ID= 0x1600500c, 0x0403e918, 0x00000000, 0x5bc60001
Device speed grade = 1000MHz.
Enable Exception handling...
Initialize DSP main clock = 100.00MHz/1x10 = 1000MHz
DDR ECC is enabled.
Initialize DDR speed = 200.00MHzx/3x20 = 1333.333MTS
External exception happened. MEXPFLAG[3]=0x4000.
Event 110: MDMAERREVT XMC VBUSM error event
MDMA write status error detected
XID (Transaction ID)= 5
Data error
NRP=0x808580, NTSR=0x1000e, IRP=0x20b01120, ITSR=0x1, TSCH= 0x0, TSCL= 0x2730bfe
B3=0x8085c6, A4=0x80000000, B4= 0x1, B14= 0x8237d8, B15= 0x817cd0
Exception happened at a place can not safely return!
please advise and thanks for your help.