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Linux/AM3352: How to Compile Perf tool

Part Number: AM3352

Tool/software: Linux

Hi all,

- I need to use perf  tool, for checking performance of My board.

- I Enabled the all configuration for per tools support in kernel configuration file , and build the kernel.

- after compiled successfully, go to the cd      tools/perf

- make  ---- it getting Error.

1) please tell me how to compile the perf, explain in stpes ?

- Kernel - 4.4.19 currently using for AM3352



  • Hello,

    What is the error that you are observing?

    Did you try :

    export PATH=/.../gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin:$PATH
    cd .../tools/perf
    make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=/..../ti-processor-sdk-linux-am57xx-evm- perf

    I see that some supplements should be install like : flex, bison etc.


  • Hi Margrita,

    I did This things already, i compiled perf also.

    Thanks for replay,
