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CCS/AM1705: AM1705

Part Number: AM1705

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I am using AM1705DPTPA3 in one of our project. I am using CCSv4 for programming the flash which is SPI-Flash for AM1705. I am using Macronix MX25L25635E IC as an flash for the AM1705 which is connected on SPI0 port i.e after programming the Am1705 will boot from the SPI0 flash and copy the code into SDRAM part no: IS42S16320B which is the ISSI company IC

I am using XDS100v2, TI 14 PIN JTAG Emulator (TMDSEMU100V2U-14T) for communicating with the AM1705 processor on the board

Initially for writing into the flash I keep the AM1705 into Emulation JTAG mode using the Boot pins configuration given in the AM17xx application note

and then I follow the CPU flash procedure of the AM1705 using the CCSv4 software

But my process is getting halted at Erase operation of the flash as shown below in the console window

Memory erase error.docx

The Mem erase should have been followed with the Mem erase verify which is not happening

We have done this CPU flashing operation successfully on our previous version boards which had the AM1705BPTP3 IC which got absolute and the same SPI flash Macronix IC mentioned above, but the newer version boards consists of the newly revised AM1705DPTPA3 TI processor IC. The schematic for the processor and SPI flash is same as previous version only the new revised AM1705D IC is used instead

Can any one help me with this issue?

I am attaching the CPU flash procedure doc which we use to program the flash through the CCSv4 software

Thanks & Regards,

Vihang Waze


  • Hi Vihang,

    I've forwarded this to the experts. Their feedback should be posted here.

    Tsvetolin Shulev
  • Hi,

    I had checked the ROM Bootloader revision of the AM1705 IC on my board using the Code composer Studio v4 and according to the instruction given in the  document Application Report SPRABA4C – June 2012 AM17xx Bootloader  as shown below

    I am getting the revision as d800k005

    So I generated the UBL AIS file according to the steps given in document Application Report SPRABA4C – June 2012 AM17xx Bootloader (Section: AISgen: Tool to Generate Boot Script (AIS image))

    Then I again tried to write the SPI flash on the board using the new AIS generated file , but now I am getting

    Error: Erasing SPI failed

    Below is the pic for the error shown

    I even tried to probe the SPI0 chip select signal of the AM1705 processor IC on the board. The chip select pin has a pull up 10K, so in the scope it is showing the chip select pin as continuously high. Atleast  for showing SPI erasing failed the processor should have start a SPI cycle by pulling the chip select pin low, but the chip select pin was continuously high before and after showing the Error message: Erasing SPI Failed

    So I am not getting any clue whether the AIS UBL file generated is correct or not .

    In addition to the above issue I have downloaded the latest DaVinci-PSP-SDK- 

    loaded the spiwrite.out file created from the above CCSv4 project & run the code. 

    then the spiwrite application ask for ARM UBL file, then when I load the ARM UBL provided by DaVinci-PSP-SDK-  then it gave me " ERROR as shown in the Pic below

    Is there any latest spi flash writer required to write in the flash IC throuugh the AM1705? If yes, please let me know.

    Please help me solve this SPI flash write problem at the earliest

    Thanks & Regards,
