We are using AM3352BZCZA100 processor with TPS65217CRSLT PMIC.We want to implement RTC using battery backup from CR2032 coin cell.The output of the battery is connected directly to the VDDS_RTC(D7) pin of AM3352 processor.
1) Can this only battery power(1.8V) to VDDS_RTC pin is enough to run processor in RTC only mode and enable internal RTC ?
2) Is there any delay during swtching off processor from normal operation mode to RTC only mode ie, Main power switched off and only battery backup of 1.8V is provided to VDDS_RTC(D7) pin of AM3352 processor ?
3) In case any delay is there, that delay time also required to be taken into account for calculating current time using RTC ?
Thanks & regards