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Compiler/TMS320C6713B: tms320c6713

Part Number: TMS320C6713B
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TMS320DM642

Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler

Good afternoon!

I'm working with the tms320c6713 and tms320dm642 processors. Both processors are mounted on an industrial board. The industrial board is made at our enterprise. I do not have any debugging kits dsk. Also I use CCS3.3 environment under WindowsXP and Sauris510+ emulator.

I need to connect to the processors on my industrial board through the CCS3.3 program. When I create a new Target Configuration connection, the required dsp processors are missing: tms320c6713 and tms320dm642.

Please, tell me how to correctly do Target Configuration to my dsp processors and get access to processors for writing information to the memory of processors?


Sincerely, Leshcheonok Ilya

  • I've forwarded your query to the software experts. Their feedback should be posted here.

    Tsvetolin Shulev
  • Thank you. I'm waiting

    Sincerely, Leshcheonok Ilya
  • Hello,
    My apologies for the delay. This thread was assigned to me while I was on vacation and I have just returned.

    In your screenshot, I can see that you created a connect type using the "Create Board" option. I am going to assume you installed the SAURIS emulation drivers. If you did not, then please do so first.

    Also assuming that you selected SAURIS as your connection type, the list of available processor types is determined by the connection type. If your SAURIS emulator supports C6713 and DM642, but the options are not available, it could be that the driver for your emulator does not have them as available options. It is recommended to check with SAURIS for additional support.

  • Good afternoon.

    Thank you for your answer. Yes, I create new connection with the use of emulator of Sauris. Drivers are set correctly on it (picture 1). I already applied in support a company Sauris. It was there reported me, that this emulator supports the processors of tms320c6713 and tms320dm642. The specialists of Sauris said me, that problems with connecting being must not be. In my connection I use next parameters (picture 2).
    Please, tell me, how I can connect to the processors of tms320c6713 and tms320dm642 and what can be the reason of possible problem.

    With kind regards
    Liashchonak Ilya
  • Hello,
    Can you provide a link to the same driver installation package that you used to install the Sauris drivers on CCSv3.3? i would like to try this myself.

  • Hello.

    Yes, of course. Here you are.

    With kind regards 
    Liashchonak Ilya

  • Thanks. Please use the processor type "TMS320C6710" and select the GEL file "DSP621x_671x.gel" to create a configuration for C6713.

    For the DM642, you can try using the "C6400PLUS" option

    Let me know if this works for you
  • Good afternoon!
    Thank you. I chose the processors you specified and gel-file DSP621x_671x.gel to the processor 6713, as you recommended (Figure 1).
    Connection to 6713 was successful (Figure 2). But when trying to connect to the processor dm642 - an error appears (Figure 3).
    Tell me please, how can I connect to the dm642 processor? Can I also specify a gel file for it?
    And tell me please, where can I download the sample programs for the c6713 and dm642 processors?

    Yours faithfully
    Leshcheonok Ilya

    Fig 1

    fig 2

    fig 3

  • My mistake, the core on the DM642 is not a C64x+ but a standard C64x. Hence you should use "TMS320C6400" processor option.

  • As for examples, the device experts would know best. I would start a new thread in this forum with the appropriate title.

  • Good afternoon!
    Excellent! I used your advices. Everything worked!

    I use TMS320C6400 with gel-file DSP64xxplus.gel - for dsp 642.

    I use TMS320C6710 with gel-file DSP621x_671x.gel - for dsp 6713.

    Now I can connect with 6713 and 642 and burn my programs into the cores of the processors 6713 and 642. Thanks!
    Can you please tell me how now I can write my programs into the flash memory of each of the processors? I re-read the instructions as it is done with the Flushburn program, but I have not found nor the program flashburn in the Internet, nor the necessary components in order to write the information into the flash memory. Please tell me how I can write programs into flash memory.

    Sincerely, Leshcheonok Ilya
    Can you please tell me how now I can write my programs into the flash memory of each of the processors? I re-read the instructions as it is done with the Flushburn program, but I have not found nor the program flashburn in the Internet, nor the necessary components in order to write the information into the flash memory. Please tell me how I can write programs into flash memory.

    Information on Flashburn for the old CCSV3 is available via the below link:

    I cannot provide much more insight than this as Flashburn is developed and maintained by a 3rd party.

    As for any other flashing options, it is best to start a new thread in this forum as this is not CCS related.

    Thanks and good luck.
