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Problem in using LIDD Controller of AM1808 under uboot

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AM1808, DA8XX

I have to attach a 8080 bus type LCD to AM1808, I set the LCDC operated in LIDD mode in uboot as below:

1. Config the pins to LCD pin functions by using davinci_configure_pin_mux(...).

2. Turn on the LCDC by using lpsc_on(32+16).

3. Config LCDC as Sync MPU80 bus type, CLKDIV = 2.

4. Set the LIDD_CS0_CONF to a suitable timing.

Then I create a dead loop to write to LIDD_CS0_ADDR and LIDD_CS0_DATA repeatedly. But it stops after it loops only one time. That is, it stops at next time that LIDD_CS0_ADDR is written again. It seems it has some kind of problem in sending out the data, liked the LCD_CLK is stopped clocking. Below is a dump of the registers:

REVID         = 4C100102
LCD_CTRL      = 00000200
LCD_STAT      = 00000000
LIDD_CTRL     = 00000002
LIDD_CS0_CONF = 18E032D0

Do I miss somthing?





  • I finally know why the LIDD controller stops after a third writen to the LIDD_CS0_ADDR or LIDD_CS0_DATA. I found that if the W_HOLD of the LIDD_CS0_CONF is set to '0', it will make the state machine stop. When W_HOLD is non-zero, LIDD_CS0_ADDR and LIDD_CS0_DATA can be written repeatedly without problem.

    But I still cannot make the LIDD signals output on the corresponding pins, I have double checked the pinmux setting and did not find anything wrong. 

    Any ideal on it is apprecated!


  • Colman,

    On which pins are you expecting data?  Are you able to determine if the data is swapped on the pins or if it is just garbage?


  • Dear Tommy,

    My code is:

    const struct pinmux_config lcdc_pins[] = {
            /* MUX, value, field */
            { pinmux[16], 2, 7 },    /* Select LCD_D2 */
            { pinmux[16], 2, 6 },    /* Select LCD_D3 */
            { pinmux[16], 2, 5 },    /* Select LCD_D4 */
            { pinmux[16], 2, 4 },    /* Select LCD_D5 */
            { pinmux[16], 2, 3 },    /* Select LCD_D6 */
            { pinmux[16], 2, 2 },    /* Select LCD_D7 */
            { pinmux[17], 2, 1 },     /* Select LCD_D0 */
            { pinmux[17], 2, 0 },    /* Select LCD_D1 */
            { pinmux[18], 2, 6 },    /* Select LCD_PCLK/LIDD_RD# */
            { pinmux[19], 2, 6 },    /* Select LCD_AC_ENB_CS/LIDD_CS0# */
            { pinmux[19], 2, 1 },    /* Select LCD_VSYNC/LIDD_A0 */
            { pinmux[19], 2, 0 },    /* Select LCD_HSYNC/LIDD_WE# */


    lpsc_on(32 + 16);    // lpsc id for lcdc of am1808 is 16 of lpsc1
    /* Switch the pin function */
    if (davinci_configure_pin_mux(lcdc_pins, ARRAY_SIZE(lcdc_pins)) != 0) {
        printf("%s: Fail to init LCDC pins\n", __FUNCTION__);


    while (1) {
         writel(0x5555, &da8xx_lcdc_regs->lidd_cs0_addr);
         writel(0xAAAA, &da8xx_lcdc_regs->lidd_cs0_data);

    I expect LCD_D0 to LCD_D15, LCD_VSYNC(RS), LCD_HSYNC(WE#), LCD_AC_ENB_CS#(CS0) are toggling, but all pins are not. They all not change in level, LCD_HSYNC(WE#) keeps at high level, no write cycle happen.





  • I have solved the problem, it is need to unlock the SYSCFG module before writing to the PINMUX registers. I can see the signals output from the LCD_xxx pins now.
