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Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
sorry if this sounds like a classical one, but i think i exhausted all the infos already stated about this in the forum.
Basically, i am interested to build a boot image out of my project's Release build, mainly for speed reason and also
image size. After i ported all the magical stuff done in the .gel into my init code, and added some other + verified that the
image is built in "ROM model", so that the globals are init'd, i can see my "Debug generated image" working fine (w/o debugger),
while the same "Release mode generated image" fails to work.
Actually, this is not entirely correct, as i can see that most of the fw is working (git a heartbeat led pulsing + other indications)
but parts of the features are not.
Interestingly, i could trace that down to an optimization issue. When release mode optim level is set to "1", then the image would
work, while any level above would make it fail.
Is there a way to get a better grisp about what happens ? I am using CCS7.4 and DSP/BIOS 5.42