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CCS/AM5748: DDR ECC initialization in GEL file

Part Number: AM5748

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


I have one question regarding the latest CCS (v8.1.0). I don't install CCS v8 yet.

I would like to know whether this version supports AM5748 or not.

As you know, the EMIF controller of AM5748 has ECC feature. Can GEL file for DDR memory intialization enable the ECC feature?

 Please let me know.

Best regards,


  • Michi,

    CCSv8.1.0 has support for AM5748. I am not sure how the ECC feature of the EMIF controller works. I will move the thread to the Sitara forum and the experts there should be able to answer that for you.

  • Hello Michi,

    Our current latest Processor SDK RTOS release on AM57x is here:

    Our current latest Processor SDK Linux release on AM57x is here:

    As you can see from above download link, CCS 7.4 is used. From release notes, AM574x is supported.

    So I would recommend you used CCS 7.4 and SDK 4.3 version for now.

    With that said, we are working on the next version of SDK which will use a new version of CCS 8.x and it is coming soon.

    best regards,
    David Zhou
  • Hi,

    You can use CCS 8.1 as well for this P-SDK 4.3 release, but CCS 7.4 is recommended and officially tested. For DDR ECC support, yes the GEL file for AM574x support this. See: ccs_base\emulation\boards\am574x\gel\AM574x_ddr_config.gel

    Regards, Eric