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Tool/software: Linux
I found this document talking about TDA2 Deep Learning.
My question:
A. Can I follow this to test the TI Deep Learning on the AM57xx?
B. If no, Why AM57xx has no this kind of APP note?
BR Rio
Rio Chan said:A. Can I follow this to test the TI Deep Learning on the AM57xx?
No, you can't follow the document that you shared above to program TIDL on AM57x. That is applicable for SDKs for TDAx.
Rio Chan said:B. If no, Why AM57xx has no this kind of APP note?
Please follow below documentation to program on AM57x.
Hi Rio,
The TIDL on vision SDK is different than on Sitara Processor SDK Linux. On Sitara processor side, TIDL library is a black box. The source code on DSP or EVE side is not opened, and hence they do not need to learn about the tool chain, compiler information etc. On Sitara Processor SDK Linux, TIDL library is accessed using TIDL API (underneath uses OpenCL to offload the acceleration on DSP/EVE) and runs on host A15 side.
Hope that clarifies. If you have any other concern with current document, I will be happy to learn that and feedback to my team to improve the document.
Hi Manisha:
I have read the entire TIDL several times.
I have some questions, Please see the posted picture.
A. There is the TIDL Import tool I can download? ( I ever sent you an email, but got no reply yet.)
B. What's the OpenCV / OpenCL version that we support?
C. Regarding the grey part " ML application", what's the example of it? Where we can find it?
D. Component off " TIDL SW stack", what is this?
I'm preparing a Training slide to our customers, and I need to have 2~3 working examples (beside the TI DL demos) runs from steps by steps clearly.
Do we have a training slide for letting customers feel better than just to see a DL demo?
BR Rio