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Tool/software: Code Composer Studio
I am developing a audio effect algorithm for "Multiband compressor".
The problem is that the use of float data is prohibited, since the processor does not implement this data type.
Thats why I need to convert it to Q15 format. But I dont know how can I do it. Please help.
#include "C5515.h" #include "gpio.h" #include "i2c.h" #include "i2s.h" #include "TMS320.h" #include "stdio.h" #include "math.h" #include "dsplib.h" #include "dsplib_c.h" #include "aic3204.h" #define W_LEN 512 #define I 1 #define NH 21 #define EFFECT_FLAG 1 #define NO_EFFECT_FLAG 0 #define IER0 (*(unsigned int*)0x00) #define IVPD (*(unsigned int*)0x000049) #define IVPH (*(unsigned int*)0x00004A) extern unsigned int VECSTART; /*********Áóôåðû ëåâîãî è ïðàâîãî êàíàëà************/ Int16 b1[W_LEN] = { 0 }; Int16 b2[W_LEN] = { 0 }; Int16 b3[W_LEN] = { 0 }; Int16 b4[W_LEN] = { 0 }; Int16 b5[W_LEN] = { 0 }; Int16 b6[W_LEN] = { 0 }; Int16 b7[W_LEN] = { 0 }; Int16 b8[W_LEN] = { 0 }; Int16* buf_in_left_1 = b1; Int16* buf_in_right_1 = b2; Int16* buf_out_left_1 = b3; Int16* buf_out_right_1 = b4; Int16* buf_in_left_2 = b5; Int16* buf_in_right_2 = b6; Int16* buf_out_left_2 = b7; Int16* buf_out_right_2 = b8; Int16* change; Int16 buf_index = 0; Int16 effect_flag = NO_EFFECT_FLAG; /* Îáðàáîò÷èê ïðåðûâàíèÿ ïî ïåðåäà÷å */ interrupt void i2s2_tx_isr() { I2S2_W0_MSW_W = buf_out_left_2[buf_index]; I2S2_W1_MSW_W = buf_out_right_2[buf_index]; while ((Rcv & I2S2_IR) == 0); buf_in_left_2[buf_index] = I2S2_W0_MSW_R; buf_in_right_2[buf_index] = I2S2_W1_MSW_R; buf_index++; if (buf_index >= W_LEN) { change = buf_in_left_2; buf_in_left_2 = buf_in_left_1; buf_in_left_1 = change; change = buf_out_left_2; buf_out_left_2 = buf_out_left_1; buf_out_left_1 = change; change = buf_in_right_2; buf_in_right_2 = buf_in_right_1; buf_in_right_1 = change; change = buf_out_right_2; buf_out_right_2 = buf_out_right_1; buf_out_right_1 = change; buf_index = 0; effect_flag = EFFECT_FLAG; } } /* // 1. to 0-4800 DATA h1[NH] = { 13, 58, 174, 401, 777, 1311, 1969, 2673, 3306, 3748, 3907, 3748, 3306, 2673, 1969, 1311, 777, 401, 174, 58, 13 }; // 2. 5000-5500 DATA h2[NH] = { 1913, -7536, -1914, -389, 84, 119, -67, -194, -116, 87, 199, 87, -116, -194, -67, 119, 84, -389, -1914, -7536, 1913 }; // 3. 5500-6000 DATA h3[NH] = { 5388, -4079, -2986, -2035, -1211, -730, -634, -657, -516, -227, -81, -227, -516, -657, -634, -730, -1211, -2035, -2986, -4079, 5388 }; // 4. 6000-6500 DATA h4[NH] = { 3867, 6140, -3004, 1204, -682, 526, -56, -71, -223, 78, 195, 78, -223, -71, -56, 526, -682, 1204, -3004, 6140, 3867 }; // 6500-7000 DATA h5[NH] = { -626, 7957, 668, -127, -114, 138, 160, -92, -189, 32, 202, 32, -189, -92, 160, 138, -114, -127, 668, 7957, -626 }; // 7000-7500 DATA h6[NH] = { -4748, 5156, 3199, 1717, 867, 690, 585, 197, -57, 114, 306, 114, -57, 197, 585, 690, 867, 1717, 3199, 5156, -4748 }; // 7500-8000 DATA h7[NH] = { -4750, -5153, 3196, -1715, 868, -694, 588, -199, -56, -115, 307, -115, -56, -199, 588, -694, 868, -1715, 3196, -5153, -4750 }; // 8000-8500 DATA h8[NH] = { -627, -7958, 671, 127, -111, -141, 158, 93, -191, -29, 197, -29, -191, 93, 158, -141, -111, 127, 671, -7958, -627 }; // 8500-9000 DATA h9[NH] = { 3866, -6140, -3003, -1203, -683, -528, -57, 73, -220, -78, 193, -78, -220, 73, -57, -528, -683, -1203, -3003, -6140, 3866 }; // 9000-9500 DATA h10[NH] = { 5494, 4159, -3044, 2075, -1236, 747, -649, 671, -525, 228, -79, 228, -525, 671, -649, 747, -1236, 2075, -3044, 4159, 5494 }; // 9500-10000 DATA h11[NH] = { 1915, 7540, -1914, 388, 84, -116, -63, 196, -117, -94, 191, -94, -117, 196, -63, -116, 84, 388, -1914, 7540, 1915 }; // 10000-10500 DATA h12[NH] = { -2735, 7089, 2347, 648, 473, 41, -111, 215, -79, -112, 207, -112, -79, 215, -111, 41, 473, 648, 2347, 7089, -2735 }; // 10500-11000 DATA h13[NH] = { -6161, -3152, 2605, -2132, 1642, -1160, 806, -646, 683, -797, 851, -797, 683, -646, 806, -1160, 1642, -2132, 2605, -3152, -6161 }; // 11000-11500 DATA h14[NH] = { -3310, -6609, 2859, -1233, 453, -53, -113, 103, 14, -142, 195, -142, 14, 103, -113, -53, 453, -1233, 2859, -6609, -3310 }; // 11500-12000 DATA h15[NH] = { 1173, -7850, -990, -178, -140, 196, -185, 94, 40, -157, 205, -157, 40, 94, -185, 196, -140, -178, -990, -7850, 1173 }; // 12000-12500 DATA h16[NH] = { 6790, 2119, -1918, 1768, -1638, 1478, -1300, 1113, -935, 808, -763, 808, -935, 1113, -1300, 1478, -1638, 1768, -1918, 2119, 6790 }; // 12500-13000 DATA h17[NH] = { 4929, 4972, -3127, 1992, -1276, 808, -476, 236, -77, -28, 55, -28, -77, 236, -476, 808, -1276, 1992, -3127, 4972, 4929 }; // 13000-13500 DATA h18[NH] = { 1344, 7774, -1452, 369, -147, 56, 15, -91, 146, -179, 190, -179, 146, -91, 15, 56, -147, 369, -1452, 7774, 1344 }; // 13500-14000 DATA h19[NH] = { -7452, -1001, 971, -946, 939, -948, 960, -970, 979, -986, 989, -986, 979, -970, 960, -948, 939, -946, 971, -1001, -7452 }; // 14000-15000 DATA h20[NH] = { -7452, -1001, 971, -946, 939, -948, 960, -970, 979, -986, 989, -986, 979, -970, 960, -948, 939, -946, 971, -1001, -7452 }; DATA* hArr1[4] = { h1, h2, h3, h4 }; DATA* hArr2[4] = { h5, h6, h7, h8 }; DATA* hArr3[4] = { h9, h10, h11, h12 }; DATA* hArr4[4] = { h13, h14, h15, h16 }; DATA* hArr5[4] = { h17, h18, h19, h20 }; DATA** hArr[5] = { hArr1, hArr2, hArr3, hArr4, hArr5 }; DATA in1b[W_LEN * 2] = {0}; DATA in2b[W_LEN * 2] = {0}; DATA* rin = in1b; DATA* lin = in2b; DATA db[NH + 2]; */ /*extern ushort fir(DATA *x, DATA *h, DATA *r, DATA *dbuffer, ushort nx, ushort nh); int counter = 0; void Equalizer() { /// 1 time int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < W_LEN; ++i) { rin[i] = buf_in_right_1[i]; lin[i] = buf_in_left_1[i]; } fir(rin, hArr[counter / 5][0], rin, db, W_LEN, NH); fir(lin, hArr[counter / 5][0], lin, db, W_LEN, NH); for (i = 0; i < W_LEN; ++i) { buf_out_right_1[i] = rin[i]; buf_out_left_1[i] = lin[i]; } // 2 time for (i = 0; i < W_LEN; ++i) { rin[i] = buf_in_right_1[i]; lin[i] = buf_in_left_1[i]; } fir(rin, hArr[counter / 5][1], rin, db, W_LEN, NH); fir(lin, hArr[counter / 5][1], lin, db, W_LEN, NH); for (i = 0; i < W_LEN; ++i) { buf_out_right_1[i] += rin[i]; buf_out_left_1[i] += lin[i]; } // 3 time for (i = 0; i < W_LEN; ++i) { rin[i] = buf_in_right_1[i]; lin[i] = buf_in_left_1[i]; } fir(rin, hArr[counter / 5][2], rin, db, W_LEN, NH); fir(lin, hArr[counter / 5][2], lin, db, W_LEN, NH); for (i = 0; i < W_LEN; ++i) { buf_out_right_1[i] += rin[i]; buf_out_left_1[i] += lin[i]; } // 4 time for (i = 0; i < W_LEN; ++i) { rin[i] = buf_in_right_1[i]; lin[i] = buf_in_left_1[i]; } fir(rin, hArr[counter / 5][3], rin, db, W_LEN, NH); fir(lin, hArr[counter / 5][3], lin, db, W_LEN, NH); for (i = 0; i < W_LEN; ++i) { buf_out_right_1[i] += rin[i]; buf_out_left_1[i] += lin[i]; } counter = ++counter % 20; } */ Int16 in1b[W_LEN] = {0}; Int16 in2b[W_LEN] = {0}; DATA* rin = in1b; DATA* lin = in2b; //DATA in1b[W_LEN * 2] = {0}; //DATA in2b[W_LEN * 2] = {0}; //DATA* rin = in1b; //DATA* lin = in2b; //struct Q15 { // int num; // static const int n = 15; //}; float min(float num1, float num2, float num3) { if(num1 < num2 && num1 < num3) return num1; else if(num2 < num3) return num2; else return num3; } //1, 0.5, 1, -0.5 ##################In this part I need to use Q15 format instead of short and float############################## void compexp(short CT, short CS, short ET, short ES) { //void compexp(0x7333, 0x7333, 0x7333, 0x7333) { float tav = 0.01; float at = 0.03; float rt = 0.003; // int delay = 150; int xrms = 0; int g = 1; DATA buffer[150] = {0}; int i; for (i = 0; i < W_LEN; ++i) { rin[i] = buf_in_right_1[i]; lin[i] = buf_in_left_1[i]; } for(i = 0; i < W_LEN; ++i) { xrms = (1 -tav) * xrms + tav * pow(rin[i], 2); float X = 10 * log(xrms); float G = min(0, CS * (CT - X), ES * (ET - X)); int f = pow (10, G / 20); float coeff; if (f < g) { coeff = at; } else { coeff = rt; } g = (1 - coeff) * g + coeff * f; buf_out_right_1[i] = g * buffer[149]; buf_out_left_1[i] = g * buffer[149]; buffer[0] = buf_in_left_1[i]; } } void main(void) { /* Initialize BSL */ c5515_init(); /* Configure Parallel Port */ SYS_EXBUSSEL &= ~0x7000; SYS_EXBUSSEL |= 0x1000; // Configure Parallel Port for I2S2 /* Configure Serial Port */ SYS_EXBUSSEL &= ~0x0C00; SYS_EXBUSSEL |= 0x0400; // Serial Port mode 1 (I2S1 and GP[11:10]). c5515_GPIO_init(); c5515_GPIO_setDirection(GPIO10, GPIO_OUT); c5515_GPIO_setOutput(GPIO10, 1); // Take AIC3201 chip out of reset I2C_init(); // Initialize I2C asm(" BSET INTM"); unsigned long int vector; vector = (unsigned long int) &VECSTART; vector = vector >> 8; IVPD = (unsigned short) vector; IVPH = (unsigned short) vector; IER0 |= 0x4000; asm(" BCLR INTM"); /* I2S settings */ I2S2_SRGR = 0x0015; I2S2_ICMR = 0x0028; // Enable interrupts I2S2_CR = 0x8012; // 16-bit word, Master, enable I2C aic3204_stereo_in1(); while (1) { if (effect_flag == EFFECT_FLAG) { /* äîáàâèòü ôóíêöèþ ýôôåêòà */ // Equalizer(); compexp(1, 0.5, 1, -0.5); buf_out_left_1 = buf_in_left_1; buf_out_right_1 = buf_in_right_1; effect_flag = NO_EFFECT_FLAG; } } }
Correct. Check the DSP Library Programmer's Reference (SPRU422J).
Best Regards,