I had a problem doing quantization for a detection network in caffe in which I would like to use a reshape layer followed by a softmax layer. I got an error code of -1100 during the quantization process using SDK tool. I referred to AM5749 as well as this link (http://software-dl.ti.com/processor-sdk-linux/esd/docs/latest/linux/Foundational_Components_TIDL.html) which shows that using reshape layer with softmax layer is feasible in SSD "context". So I just want to know is it possible to do it the same way in my case since it's similar as in SSD.
I have enclosed the caffe .prototxt and .caffemodel in case you need to do an analysis.
mnet.prototxt : structure file for network with reshape and softmax
mnet_no_reshape.prototxt: structure file for network without reshape and softmax
mnet.caffemodel: weights file for network both with and without reshape and softmax
RETINA.BIN and RETINA.PRM: output file of quantization
Would appreciate if you could give a better explanation how to use reshape followed by softmax. Thanks in advanced!