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TMS320C40: Version 4.1x for TMS320C32 support

Part Number: TMS320C40


i have found this topic in your forum. My problem is that I have to update an older target with a TMS320C32 but my design environment is defect. How can I get this legacy stuff? Free downloads of CCS4 have shown that they are not compatible to this old device. Where can I get a hint for a legal download of this old software.

Thanks and best regards


  • Thomas,

    Which CCS version did you try? Is it 4.2.5?



  • Thomas,

    I assume you are looking for "Code Composer (CC)", and not "Code Composer Studio (CCS)". CC predates the entire CCS line. The last version of CC was released in 1997. After that, it was replaced by CCSv1.

    Do you still have your license information for CC for C40?



  • Hi KI,

    gone with my NT4.0 hardware environment. I've thought that this old stuff would not be needed anymore after the end of windows XP. Which actual hardware supports an ISA slot for the emulator. ISA is dead, PCI is dead and XP is dead too. The hardware which I have to update now, could not easily redesigned. So I must check a solution for debugging the changed code running on the TMS. I have a toolset ASM30, LNK30 in my working directory from the old project but this software set is not running under windows 7 (It is designed for NT4.0). I use this set in a virtual NT4.0 environment, but I could neither emulate nor debug the TMS320C32 assembler sources. So I have a useless debugger/emulator (XDS510 parallel and a USB version, last one not supported by NT4) because I could not open the port (respective adress the hardware) via the VM.

    I have seen that the CCS older versions are free and hoped that the CC 4.1.xx is free too.

    I'll try to find the licensing information but I think this a hopeless search.

    Thanks for your prompt answer.

    Best regards


    I have found following entry in a table on the CCS side:


    C3x/C4x Code Composer v 4.1 Service Pack 2
    ACTIVE 4.10.37   Aug-21-2001   PC  

    Win 9x, 2000, NT, XP

    It seems that there must have been an update in 2001 which is running on XP or WIn2K.

  • Hi David,

    the CCS is to modern for my old stuff ;-) . I'm searching for the former CC.

    It seems that the CC is not free like the CCS.

    Thank you for your answer.

    Best regards


  • Thomas,

    If you are unable to find your license information, please contact me via private message so that we can discuss your options. If you are not sure how to ssend a private message, please see the last FAQ in:



  • This issue was resolved via private discussion.