Part Number: EVMK2H
Hello everyone,
I have some querries about the EVMK2H Clock Frequency:
- I read the register DEVSPEED (0x02620C98), the value is 0x00020000, means the DSP is 1.2GHz and the ARM is 800MHz. Is it correct, as I thought the ARM core of EVMK2H has the speed of 1.4GHz?
- Let say my DSP speed is 1.2GHz, I use function platform_init() from the PDK to set the DSP clock. My question is, can I set the value of PLLM to 20, means the DSP clock is 1228.8 MHz, or I can only set PLLM to be 18, means the maximum DSP clock I can set is 1105.92 MHz?
- Is there any hardware output pin on the borad that I can use to measure the DSP clock or ARM clock?
Please advise on the above querries. Thanks a lot in advance.